ARPA Releases Testnet 1.0 ASTRAEA Two Months Ahead of Schedule

ARPA Official
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2019
ARPA Releases Testnet 1.0 ASTRAEA on February 27, 2019

Beijing, China — February 27th, 2019 — ARPA team today announced that it has released ARPA Testnet 1.0 ASTRAEA, almost 2 months ahead of schedule.

ARPA is currently accepting applications to test the Testnet 1.0. Sign up to use the Testnet HERE.

ARPA provides cryptography- and blockchain-based data privacy solutions for blockchains and enterprises. The ARPA Testnet 1.0 ASTRAEA consists of:

1)an MPC Computation Network,

2)an Ethereum Smart Contract for deploying MPC tasks, and

3)Web UI for information display on Testnet.

We are now accepting applications from the community for testing.

ARPA Roadmap

ARPA Testnet 1.0 ASTRAEA is a layer 2 solution based on Ethereum. Later ARPA will support a few other major blockchains.

“We are pleased to release ASTRAEA as the first step of our quest to build a universal privacy layer for blockchains” said Felix Xu, co-founder and CEO, “we now believe multiparty computation technology can bring privacy as well as real world use cases for blockchain”.

Users can send private computation tasks on Ethereum, trigger ARPA MPC network, and receive results through smart contract. The Ethereum Smart Contract is connected to ARPA’s MPC network. Currently, the MPC nodes are hosted by ARPA, in the future, we will accept external nodes to join the network.

On ASTRAEA, users can:

  1. use our Web UI to select one of the example programs, specifying the number of nodes needed and send it as an MPC request to smart contract.
  2. The ARPA MPC network will process such request by deploying the MPC program to the specified number of nodes.
  3. After the computation finishes, the MPC result will be verified and returned to the smart contract. The user can view result from the Web UI as well.

Payment of data usage and computation fee using ETH. On Testnet 1.0 ASTRAEA, users can also use ETH to pay for the data usage fee and computation fee. The current version of ARPA MPC Network supports auto deployment of computation nodes and auto task distribution. Users can write computation logics with the script language developed by ARPA.

The ARPA script language supports most of the common computation types, including but not limited to, arithmetic computation of integer, fixed and floating point numbers, comparison, square root, exponentiation, and various kinds of matrix computation.

User-friendly Web UI. ARPA Testnet 1.0 also provides developers with a user-friendly Web UI, so that users can easily interact with their MPC tasks on ARPA smart contract.

More about MPC (Multiparty Computation)

Secure multiparty computation (MPC) is a set of cryptography technologies with the goal of creating methods for parties to jointly compute a function over their inputs while keeping those inputs private.

Informally, MPC enables multiple trustless parties A, B, C, … to jointly compute a function with the participants’ secret value without learning more information than what the result reveals.

A classical example of 2-party computation is the Millionaires’ Problem: two millionaires want to know who is richer with the absence of a trusted third party, in such a way that neither of them learns the net worth of the other. A solution to this situation is essentially to securely evaluate the comparison function. More generally, MPC allows n party (n >= 2) to jointly compute some information while preserving privacy for secret data.

MPC technology can empower the real world use case of privacy-preserving computation. There has been active work from the research community since the 1980s when the 2-party computation was first introduced. However, there has not been any easy available MPC service for the general public. Thus leading to a very high bar to try out this technology.

Here at ARPA we are bringing secret sharing based MPC to blockchain as layer 2 solution. With the easy to use UI and smart contract, users can easily run MPC tasks on the blockchain. In addition to the easy access to MPC service on blockchain, ARPA MPC also supports any number of participants to run various common computation types.

We are more than thrilled to announce that we are one more step closer to bringing the dawn of privacy to human society by releasing ARPA Testnet 1.0. We are currently accepting applications to test the Testnet 1.0. Sign up to use the Testnet HERE.

About ARPA

ARPA provides cryptography- and blockchain-based data privacy solutions for blockchains and enterprises. ARPA’s cutting-edge research on secure Multi-party Computation enables private smart contract, unprecedented data-at-use privacy protection, as well as scalable computational sharding.

As a layer 2 privacy solution, ARPA will equip current blockchains with a privacy-preserving option for developers to build highly efficient DApps on private smart contracts.

With ARPA network, enterprise and individual data can be analyzed or utilized without being exposed to anyone. In return, the data provider will be able to receive fair compensation every time their data gets used, without putting their privacy at risk.

ARPA’s highly-international core team consists of renowned cryptographers from Tsinghua University, system architects from wall street hedge funds, seasoned engineers from Google, Uber, Amazon, Huawei and Mitsubishi, blockchain experts from the University of Tokyo and Wanxiang blockchain labs, data scientists from AIG, World Bank, CircleUp, as well as venture investors and consultants from Fosun and Fidelity Investments.

To get more information about ARPA, or to join our team please contact us at

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ARPA is a privacy-preserving blockchain infrastructure enabled by MPC. Learn more at