(Modified pic from Pxhere)

Tonight, I’ve got emotional turmoil, sleep is far.

He could tell from my tight smile, ballistic laughs.

Fissile nerves –– I feel like boiling water — head full of things, thoughts, regrets – to do and to forget.

I stare the room hedges, blue lights and shades, eyes dried.

I lay, fueled, wide awake — all dark and red — a magmatic human being, voices whispering in my ears.

Three hours, ahead only craziness.

My blood pumps, bones squeak, I’m way over my head, ready to explode, I just know I have a plane to catch.

My brain spins, it’s one of those nights when I fight — peace isn’t at reach — and carve my pondering out.

It’s one of those nights, I say to myself, the morning will bring another day.

ArP - Alessia Petrolito

Adoptic — Where I pour my deepest thoughts, share my poetry writing, while looking for feedback and glorious quotes.