Why Is It Essential to Warmup Email Domain Before Cold Outreach?

Arpan Sarma
6 min readNov 30, 2023


Cold email outreach is a powerful tool in the marketing arsenal, a veritable secret weapon that can help businesses connect with prospects and convert them into loyal customers. However, like any powerful tool, it’s a double-edged sword. Send too many cold emails from your domain all at once, and you risk being flagged as spam. This could mean your well-crafted messages end up lost in the void, never reaching their intended recipients.

Enter the concept of ‘warming up’ your email domain. It’s a simple yet effective technique that can greatly increase the chances of your cold emails landing in the right inbox rather than the dreaded spam folder.

In today’s blog post, we’ll delve into why it’s essential to warm up your email domain before launching a cold outreach campaign. I’ll outline the five key benefits this practice offers and guide you on how to warm up your email domain effectively.

So, buckle up as we embark on this journey to make your cold email outreach more efficient and successful.

What Is Email Warming?

So, what exactly is email warming? In essence, it’s a strategic process designed to establish your email domain’s reputation as a reliable sender. Think of it as a way to introduce your domain to email service providers (ESPs) gradually and politely, much like how you’d warm up to a new acquaintance.

Most email warming tools leverage AI to mimic human-like conversations. They send and receive emails from your inbox in a controlled manner, progressively increasing your sender and domain reputation. It’s akin to building credit. Just as financial institutions are more likely to trust someone with a history of timely payments, ESPs are more inclined to trust an email domain that has a track record of responsible emailing behaviour.

For instance, MailGenius, an email deliverability tool, suggests warming up a new email domain by sending 10–20 emails on the first day and doubling this volume every day after until reaching your target daily volume. This gradual increase helps build trust with ESPs, ensuring your emails land in the recipient’s primary inbox rather than the spam folder.

In a nutshell, warming up your email domain is a crucial step towards ensuring your cold email outreach efforts are successful. It’s all about taking the time to build trust and credibility — because, in the world of email marketing, reputation is everything.

Why Should You Warmup Your Email Domain Before Cold Outreach?

Now that we’ve established what email warming is, let’s dive into why you should warm up your email domain before starting your cold outreach campaign.

It’s not just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-do for anyone serious about effective email marketing.

  • Increases Your Domain Protection: Email service providers have sophisticated algorithms to detect and block spammy behaviour. A sudden surge of outbound emails from a new domain can trigger these algorithms, leading your emails straight to the spam folder or even getting your domain blacklisted. The gradual increase of email volume during the warmup process helps to avoid such scenarios. It’s like getting a new passport; you don’t immediately book a world tour. Instead, you start with a few trips to establish a travel history and avoid suspicion at immigration checks.
  • Improves Your Email Deliverability: Deliverability refers to the ability of your emails to reach the recipient’s inbox without being blocked or landing in the spam folder. According to Return Path, about 21% of commercial emails either go missing or land in the spam folder. This could be due to various factors, including poor sender reputation, low engagement rates, or issues with the email content. Warming up your domain ensures that you establish a positive sending pattern, thereby improving your overall deliverability.
  • Expands Your Sending Limits: Email service providers often impose sending limits, especially on new domains, to prevent spamming. These limits can restrict your email marketing efforts. However, as you warm up your domain and establish a good sending reputation, these limits are gradually increased. It’s similar to how your credit card limit increases as you demonstrate responsible usage over time.
  • Protects Your Sender Reputation: Your sender reputation is a score assigned by ISPs that determines whether your emails are genuine or spam. This score is based on several factors, including your email volume, complaint rates, bounce rates, and list quality. By warming up your email domain, you’re demonstrating responsible email behaviour, which in turn improves your sender reputation. A good sender reputation is like a good credit score; it opens doors for you.
  • Increases Your Email Open Rate: The ultimate goal of any email marketing campaign is to have your emails opened and read. According to Mailchimp, the average open rate across all industries is around 21.33%. However, a properly warmed-up domain can achieve significantly higher open rates, even up to 25% for cold email outreach. This is because ESPs recognize warmed-up domains as trustworthy, so they’re more likely to deliver your emails to the recipient’s primary inbox rather than the spam folder.

How Can You Warm Up Your Email Domain Before Starting Your Cold Outreach Campaign?

Warming up your email domain is a lot like training for a marathon. You don’t just wake up one day and run 26.2 miles. You start small, gradually increasing your mileage over time to build endurance and avoid injury.

Similarly, when warming up your email domain, you start by sending a small number of emails, then increase this volume progressively over several weeks. This process helps email service providers (ESPs) recognize your domain as a legitimate sender, not a spammer. However, doing this manually can be tedious and time-consuming, especially when you’re eager to launch your cold outreach campaign.

That’s where tools like Smartlead come into play. Smartlead offers unlimited AI warmups, meaning it can automate the entire warmup process for you. It mimics human-like conversation patterns, sending and receiving emails in a controlled, gradual manner. This helps to establish your domain as a friendly and reliable sender in the eyes of ESPs, thereby improving your email deliverability and protecting your sender’s reputation.

With Smartlead, you can connect with your prospects at scale without compromising on your email deliverability or sender reputation. It’s like having a personal trainer for your email domain, guiding you through the warmup process to ensure you’re ready for the marathon that is cold email outreach.

So, before you hit ‘send’ on that cold email campaign, consider warming up your domain with Smartlead. Your inbox placement rates — and your prospects — will thank you!


Warming up your email domain isn’t just a recommendation; it’s a necessity for any successful cold outreach campaign. It’s the process of establishing trust with email service providers, ensuring your emails land in the inbox, not the spam folder. It’s about protecting your sender’s reputation and expanding your sending limits. But most importantly, it’s about connecting with your prospects effectively and efficiently.

So why wait? Sign up for a free trial of Smartlead today and take your cold email outreach campaign to the next level. Say goodbye to spam folders and hello to improved open rates, better deliverability, and a stellar sender reputation. Remember, the success of your cold outreach campaign starts with a properly warmed-up email domain, and Smartlead is here to help you do just that.

Ready to warm up your email domain? Start your free Smartlead trial today!

