FlutterBootCamp Vadodara 2019(Week 1)

Arpan Patel
5 min readJul 25, 2019



Flutter is Google’s portable UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively-compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It has some amazing features like Fast Development, Expressive and Flexible UI, Native Performance & many more…You’ll feel powerful and productive with Flutter’s functional-reactive framework and it’s extremely fast hot reloads on devices and emulators.

Flutter apps are written in the Dart language and make use of many of the language’s more advanced features. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.

Date & Time: June 16, 2019–1000 to 1500 Hours.

Venue: Navrachana University, Vadodara

Attendees: 50 Students

Personal Note:

Flutter Bootcamp Vadodara was a collaboration of DSC SVIT & DSC PU. The motto of the Bootcamp is to make coding fun by introducing the audience to new technologies like a flutter. So that led to the organizing Flutter Bootcamp Vadodara 2019. The response was overwhelming since we announced it.

We are extremely thankful to our mentors i.e Harshil Agarwal & Ayush Bherwani who allowed me and my co-mate Pranit Brahmbhatt to share the stage for Day 1 at the event. But Day 1 was the same day for the epic India Vs Pakistan cricket match. It was a dilemma about how many participants would join us. To our surprise, the moment we all reached the location, we saw the enthusiasm among all participants who turned out in a big number.We also had some professionals so that their presence can enrich the experience among us as well as the participants.

Participants Figuring out the Basics
Pranit Brahmbhatt on the stage!

Pranit introduced the participants to dart with some amazing memes! He started by talking about why Flutter ♥ Dart, and moved on to programming concepts like data types, conditional statements, loops, methods, exception handling and gave a brief about OOP. Though we had some electricity failures that couldn’t let the enthusiasm down and that was found in the participants as well. He also carried out a Hands-on session so that the audience gets to match the tempo with code. The audience was interactive too while they were coding themselves.

We had a quick networking session after the break, where attendees introduced themselves with memes. There were some serious hilarious memes created by them(Our meme lord Pranit got competition there!) With that all set, it was time to begin my session.

Networking among Participants
Arpan Patel on the stage glimpse of the swags we gave to the participants.

It was my first experience as a speaker and I was pretty much excited. I continued the session by explaining the following:

  • Inheritance
  • Getters and Setters
  • Abstraction
  • Generics
  • Safety Operators
  • Async

I constantly interacted with the audience and they were responsive too. (We also awarded them with cool swags!). When we came across a discussion about the null pointer error, I invited one of the professionals so that he can share his knowledge and experience about that.

After the two sessions, it was time to make the fun times on. So we had an amazing time testing the knowledge of the participants with a small quiz hosted on Kahoot!. And they just had the best time. The winners were felicitated with cool swags.

Ayush Bherwani leading the QA
Kahoot is always fun! ❤

We talked about data protection law, its importance & the participants happily joined the campaign initiated by Mozilla.

Mozilla’s new campaign for India
Let’s Stand Up for our Privacy!

The day ended with a great networking session. People interacted with each other, many of them got new friends as well. Not to forget, it was Mona(GitHub Mascot) who grabbed everyone’s attention. Many of them clicked snaps too! And finally, it was the time for a group photo.

Mona was a hit!
Harsh Mehta pretty excited to be photographed with Mona!
The Team who made it possible and the Participants.

So the Week 1 ended on a high note and participants gave some fantastic feedback!

But it’s not over yet. We have a lot of things covered up our sleeves. The expedition continues by moving forward to week 2. For week 2, we have a lot of interesting stuff about flutter. It will include Stateless Widget, Stateful Widgets, Navigation in Flutter & a lot more.

The week 3 will be special among all as Pooja Bhaumik(First woman Google Developer Expert in India) will be joining us and enlighten us with her knowledge & experience. She will carry out the API calls, NoSQL vs SQL, Firestore with Flutter & advance topics about Flutter.

In Week 4 we will be conducting the Hackathon. Also, many mentors will be joining us so stay tuned for that.

That’s all from this week, Folks! :D

