Open Source Fest

Arpan Patel
5 min readSep 1, 2019



OS Fest is a celebration of Open Source Resources and technologies which are often overlooked. It’s everything for a student who wants to gain experience and cherish the opportunity if they are Content Writers, Programmers, Developers or even Designers. The Open Source movement is the reason that technology has developed at such a breakneck pace for the past few decades.

Hence a festival is celebrated dedicated specially for Open Source to teach the fundamentals to the newbies, who are setting their way in this competitive world and contributing in Open Source Community. This will help the world remain Open for all generations, and the generations to come.


April 19, 2019–1000 to 1600 Hours.


Babaria Institute Of Technology, Vadodara

ATTENDEES:80 Students

Personal Note

DevBytes, the Campus Club of Babaria Institute of Technology(B.I.T.S) collectively organized this wonderful joint gathering fest which led to gathering many innovative minds and also eager to contribute to the Open Source.

Before this event, we discussed various aspects of the Fest and the necessities it carries. They were very excited ones and promised to give their best to the Fest. On the day of the event, when we reached the location, we realized that the organizers had kept their word for the preparations. We explored the campus too & had our coffee & breakfast.

The event kicks off with the brief introduction of their club DevBytes by one of their club co-founder Jainal who described the salient features and motto of their club. The interaction session began with a few questions like

  • What is Open Source?
  • What are the advantages of Open Source?
  • What is GitHub?

And so on..

Jainal introducing the Fest & Club Devbytes!

Pranshu Khanna welcomed everyone and explained more about OS fest and introduced the audience with the speakers

Firstly we had our two Github Campus Experts Daniel & Harshil who discussed Mastering Git & Github. Since OS is all about collaboration — they decided to collaborate on this one as well! Also, the participants were provided various cheatsheets of git commands so that it can be easily grasped. Being a Campus Expert, they also shared their experience and all the advantages Git & Github offers to a Developer. Here are some of the highlights of their talk:

“GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It is mostly used for computer code. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.”

Harshil explaining about Git & GitHub.
A lot of ingenious minds at work.

After this wonderful session, it was time for Browser Extension which was taken by Pranshu Khanna who is a Mozilla Representative. For the folks who don’t know what Browser Extension is here it is:

“An extension adds features and functions to a browser. It’s created using familiar web-based technologies — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It can take advantage of the same web APIs as JavaScript on a web page, but an extension also has access to its own set of JavaScript APIs. This means that you can do a lot more in an extension than you can with code on a web page.”

Pranshu Khanna in the frame!

He taught the participants how to do the same and to do pull request on Github. We received a lot of pull request:)!

Pranshu mentoring the audience eyes on the screen!

After this amazing session, it was lunch! A further session was carried out by our Flutter Expert Parth who is also a co-organizer at GDG Gandhinagar who shared his amazing thoughts on Flutter. He went on explaining the basics of it and also how flutter is easy to develop. He explained:

“Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia.”

Parth Jhansari explaining Flutter!
That’s a lot of benefits!

There were some amazing memes up his sleeves so the audience liked his session too.

The further session was taken by our Machine Learning Expert Pratik who taught the audience about Machine Learning, It’s Importance, Tensorflow and a lot more stuff. He went on explaining how a machine can identify the objects using the training model. Meanwhile, among all these sessions some participants were awarded swags and stickers for answering the answers too!

Our Machine Learning Expert Pratik training folks!

The fest advanced and it was time again for Pranshu Khanna. He went on explaining the audience the importance of community, what are its goal & their advantages.

He explained how one can contribute to the Open Source, how it would help oneself by more & more contribution, how it can be helpful for learning & all kinds of experiences & views.

He also shared his amazing experience as a Mozilla Reps(Mozillian Representative are called Reps).

Pranshu explaining how to contribute to Open Source!

Later I and my friend Harsh went on explaining the audience about GSOC(Google Summer of Code). We went on how one can participate in it, what are the advantages and so on.

The Fest ended with the Felicitation of the winners in many categories.

Swags, T-shirts & exciting hampers for the winners!
Team DevBytes!
It was time for the group photo!

It was a curtain for the event, but an ignition to a lot of innovative minds. That’s what an OS Fest aims, to ignite the young minds.

That’s all Folks!

I’ll see you around!

