Human understanding
Hello guys! Today I am going to write about one of the most common topic — Human understanding and how it works. Before we work out, please note that I am not a professional person in this field, all the ideas presented are either my views or from my experience or from my mere intuition of what we will eventually collapse into. Also, in between, there will be some tips from my side. I hope we can relate some, not all, stuff together. So let’s go! :)
Have you ever thought why we think or act in a certain way, or why we have a despondency or fear for some things which are not in our control? Or why we just cannot ignore some stuff in our life which are meant to be ignored? Or why can’t we all just have a moment of peace? Why the world is divided into a blinking thought of everything just black and white? And why of all we can’t take those simple steps which seem so simple in discussion but in reality are way too difficult to apply practically? If the answers to some of these good-for- nothing questions is a big YES! Then congrats, you are a perfectly normal human being with a pinch of minor problems which, to be frank, everyone on this planet has. The solution is quite simple and the best part is you know it, just need a little bit of self-realization and motivation, that’s it!
The thing which I have found over the years is that we tend to think a lot about situations which we can’t control at that moment. For eg: a basic example of having a fear of your examinations and its result. Believe me, even I still have a fear for the same, but over the time you train your mind to just dodge your focus from an activity or a particular thought that you can’t just control at that moment to other productive things which could be of course subjective, like playing, reading your novels — Hobbit, LOTR, etc — hiking, etc. The point is why we tend to magnify our focus on things which only cause us trouble, like disrupting your present and your future too. Learn to train your mind to sometimes just accept the fact or to ignore some things and see the miracles. I am not saying you as a reader to just be in an oblivious state, I want you as a sensible person to harness your power of differentiating the stuff that requires the immediate attention of your resources and those which need only a temporary just chill-out-a-bit attitude. This is important, let me ask you, what can you do pondering about the results of an examination which are not yet disclosed? Will your over-thinking can magically out of the blue soar your grades? No, naturally it won’t. So keep that in mind the next time you face yourself in the same dilemma. Try to allocate your resources wisely my friend, because you are a special person whose actions define the course of not only his/her future but with the ones he/she interacts or lives with! :)
Next big thing that we consider to be of great value is STRESS.
The problem is, it is too easy to say to handle or harness the stress, just like its too easy to say to ride a bicycle without training wheels and without falling. We learn to ride smoothly because we learn from our downfalls, not whine about it constantly. So same is with the stress, you know sometimes it can be very useful for us, but the bet is if we can use it smartly.
The thing is I have quite easily coined the word “smartly” but it is the practice that makes it quite challenging and difficult for most. I like to frame it with my analogy — The potter’s hand analogy, what is it? Let me explain it to you below :)
We all have seen a potter framing a container out of the clay with the crafty use of his/her hands. Now what I want you to see is that the hands of the potter are stress, the clay is your life you are currently living in, and the wheel which is moving is your time. Now the thing is that the stress — the hands — is needed to be applied quite smartly because if not, it could prove sometimes fatal for your health. What I believe is that you should smartly apply the stress on your clay-e life so that you can shape the clay into a container with the passage of the wheel of time. That clay container is where you put your productive thoughts in which matters the most, for example, you store water in earthen pots and that cool water cools you when you drink it, so be like an earthen pot with water- like positive or neutral thoughts. Too much stress or the application of force via hands could warp your clay-e life and you will be ending up with nothing but mess. The wheel of time never stops, but you can learn from your mistakes — i.e. try to remold the clay into a container — that is the beauty of which I am putting emphasis on. So try to learn from your mistakes and handle stress in a crafty manner to channel it into a productive result.
I know sometimes it’s not possible to do the same, but who is saying to be a perfect guy in one go? All these practices which require hard work are like meditation, you need to discipline your mind, you need to make yourself calm and poised in situations and believe me this can help you a lot in life.
So that’s all for today, I will be back soon with some other thoughts and ideas that come into my mind. Thank you all for keeping up till now and being a patient reader. You are the best! :)