How I earned $8K+ in Side Hustle as a UI/UX Designer

Arpit Chandak
4 min readSep 16, 2023


This financial year, I managed to generate over $8,000 through my side hustles, combining a knack for UI/UX designing and other income streams I developed over time.

Here is how you can replicate this.

Keep reading to find out more.

Now before we dive in, I want to make it clear: this isn’t about boasting. I’m fully aware that I’m just at the beginning of my financial journey, and $8K isn’t a monumental amount. But I’m here to share my real, humble start in hopes it might inspire or guide someone.

Here’s the rundown of 3 side hustles that earned me money this year + 1 side hustle that I am eagerly trying to grow.

1. Taking Leaps in the Stock Market

A majority of my earnings go into the stock market, as currently, I stay with my family and therefore have minimum to no expenses.

I started my journey in the stock market with the help of my Dad, who is an avid investor in the stock market.

With his help and teaching, I managed to earn around $2,500 to $3,000 from the stock market.

If you want to start with the stock market make sure to

- Engage in detailed research
- Kickstart with safe options such as bluechip stocks and Index Mutual Funds
- Learn progressively
- Find a mentor who can guide you reliably

Stock investment is a journey of constant learning and there are high chances you will lose all your money if you don’t invest consciously.

Photo by Yiorgos Ntrahas on Unsplash

2. Creating and Selling Digital Products

This year marked my debut in selling Notion digital products — not a massive share but a neat addition of around $445 to my wallet.

There are many ways you can start selling digital products. But 2 things you mainly require are

- Continuous improvement
- Strategic marketing

If you want to learn in more detail check out the medium article I wrote on this where I share insights on how to kickstart selling digital products.

Selling digital products can be a profitable venture, which does not require any initial investment like the Stock market, plus can become a passive source over the years, unlike Freelancing.

Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

3. Freelancing — A Journey of Four Years

Weekends for me were all about freelancing — a practice I have nurtured over four years.

This year with freelancing I have earned around $4,000 to $5,000. The 2 main keys to starting with

- Crafting a robust portfolio is key
- Master the art of self-promotion

If you want to start your own Freelancing journey here is an article you can deep dive into to learn everything I know about Freelancing

Photo by Faizur Rehman on Unsplash


4. Trying My Hand at Content Creation

I’ve also started creating content, both on LinkedIn and Medium.

While it’s still early days and I’ve earned around $150 so far from sponsors in a year, it’s a journey I am really excited about.

It’s less about the money right now and more about learning the ropes of content creation. I am continuously exploring what works and what doesn’t, trying to understand the pulse of the audience.

It’s clear I have a long road ahead, but I’m ready and eager to walk down this path, learning, and improving with each new day.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

I hope my journey paints a possible roadmap for you to launch into the rewarding world of side hustles. The start might look challenging, but remember, every step forward is a step towards success.

Do you feel a spark of inspiration or have lingering questions?

Feel free to share and ask in the comments below.

Thank you for reading and here’s to your side hustle journey! Good luck!

👋Hey there, If you are interested in more UI/UX-related design topics do follow me on LinkedIn and Medium.

Also here are some great free UI/UX resources on Gumroad & Figma Community. Do check them out :)

