Reading a Go map safely

Arpith Siromoney
2 min readJul 14, 2016


My last post explained how I wrote to a Go map from multiple goroutines (safely!). To recap, I setup a goroutine to handle the writes, and passed the write requests (the key and the value) to it over a channel from the goroutines that handled the http requests. Here’s how I handle concurrent reads!

The goroutine that handled writes to the map now also listens (and is now called a listener instead!) on a read channel, through which the http handlers can pass a key as well as a channel that they will now listen on. The listener now looks like:

func (db *db) listener() {
for {
select {
case writeReq := <-db.writeChan:
key := writeReq["key"]
value := writeReq["value"]
db.dataMap[key] = value
b, err := json.Marshal(db.dataMap)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error marshalling db: ", err)
if len(b) > len( {
copy(, b)
case readReq := <-db.readChan:
key := readReq.key
returnChan := readReq.returnChan
if value, ok := db.dataMap[key]; ok {
returnChan <- value
} else {
returnChan <- "ERROR: NOT FOUND"

The message sent over the read channel is:

type readChanMessage struct {
key string
returnChan chan string

And finally, the http handler ends up looking like:

func (db *db) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
switch r.Method {
case "GET":
key := ps.ByName("key")
c := make(chan string)
m := readChanMessage{key, c}
db.readChan <- m
value := <-c
if value == "ERROR: NOT FOUND" {
http.NotFound(w, r)
} else {
fmt.Fprint(w, value)
case "POST":
m := make(map[string]string)
m["key"] = ps.ByName("key")
m["value"] = r.FormValue("value")
db.writeChan <- m
fmt.Fprint(w, r.FormValue("value"))

I like this solution because:

  1. I can split the http handling from the database reads
  2. In particular, I don’t have to put http.NotFound in my database listener

The other option was to pass the http response writer over the read channel instead of using a return channel. Willa Drengwitz (thanks!) pointed out that there is a disadvantage to this— this will block all other reads/writes if the loop ends up waiting to write the http response.

Have thoughts or suggestions? Let me know!

