How to deploy a Virtual machine on Microsoft Azure

Arpit Maheshwari
3 min readSep 25, 2019



Deploying a virtual machine on any platform can get a little tricky. I would like to help you create a virtual machine on Microsoft Azure. Well, let’s get started.

  1. I would recommend that you switch to Incognito mode of your browser. Because Microsoft does rely on the cookies saved in your browser and you might face conflicts/errors while logging in to your account.
  2. Now that you are in your Incognito mode, go to
  3. Click “Create One!” and enter your school email address (if you have) or else enter your personal email address (you will be asked to enter credit card details for a non-school email address)
  4. Now you will be asked to verify your account by using the code that will be sent to your school email address. Get your account verified.
  5. Now go to and click on “Sign in”, enter the email address you provided above, hit “Next” and click on “Business or school account”, now enter your password then click “Sign in”.

If an error occurs while signing in as “Business or school account” only then select the “Personal account” option.

6. Now visit the “Virtual Machines section. You will land on the following screen.

Virtual machines page

NOTE: Upon clicking “Create virtual machine” button, if it asks you to create a free account, it means the free credits has not been applied to your account and you might want to do it manually. Go to the “Overview” menu on the left and then on the top-right of your screen you will be able to see a “Claim your free credits” button. Go ahead!

7. Click on the “Create virtual machine” blue-button on the center of your screen

8. Now go ahead and input/select the kind of configuration of your Virtual Machine. I wanted to deploy a Windows10 machine so I selected the same.

NOTE:- Under the “Basics” tab, “Instance Details” sections, you will be able to see “Size”. I would recommend selecting a Standard B2MS Instance for those who are just deploying the virtual machine for educational purposes. Because this instance has enough power to support your educational requirements. We are doing this because it saves the number of credits the instance eats up for every second the machine is powered on.

9. When you have selected your configurations, click on “Review + Create” button, and then you can review the configurations you selected.

10. Now click on the “Create” button. Now deployment is underway. Your virtual machine is being deployed and it is getting ready to use. It will take a few moments.

11. After a few moments, you will be able to see the change in status to “Your deployment is complete”.

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed a VM on Azure.

NOTE:- For those who are doing it for educational purposes. Do NOT forget to “Stop” your instance once you are done working on it. Otherwise, very soon all of your free account credits will vanish!

Now that you have successfully deployed a VM on Microsoft Azure, you might also want to know “How to remotely access a Virtual machine on Microsoft Azure”.



Arpit Maheshwari

Software Development Engineer. Worked for several startups & co-founded a startup. Eager to learn. Optimistic. Like watching movies & working on side-projects.