Java learning path step by step .

Arpit Singh
1 min readMar 23, 2023

Java is popular programming language used for devloping wide a range of application ,from mobile apps to enterprise software . To get statred with java, you should learn the folling .

  1. Java Basics : First, you should learn the basics of java such as syntax,data type,variables ,control statement ,loops :
  2. Object-Oriented Programming :Java is object-oriented programming language .so you should learn the basic concepts of classes,object inheritance,polymorphism and so oops(object-oriented programming) related.
  3. Collection Framework : The collection of framework provides a set of classes and interface to mange groups of objects . You must learn collection as per my opnion .
  4. JDBC: Java data base connective (JDBC) provides a set of APIs for accessing databsae .You should learn how to use JDBC and connect the databse
  5. Java Framework : There are many popular Java frmework,such as Spring,Hibernet,Structs,that can help you devlop web application and enterprise software. You must lean at least one of these.
  6. Tools: There are many tools avalible for java devlopment like NetBeans,Eclipes,Intellij IDEA .you should learn at least one tool.
  7. Best Pravtices :Finally ,You don’t stop doing practicing.

