Fun Experiences to Have With Your Sugar Baby
2 min readNov 26, 2016

The Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy relationship is sought out for many reasons. One of those is the opportunity for you both to enjoy all life has to offer with a great companion. This is a nontraditional relationship — why not make it a nontraditional experience for both of you? Here are some fun ideas to impress you and your SB.

Luxe Vacation

Luxury makes romance easy. Find your dream locale or perfect idea of luxury and spend some time feeling pampered and relaxed with your SB.

A few ideas to try are:

  • Five-star hotel room in a great city — take in shows and great dining, shopping, and sights.
  • Ocean front cabana — spend your time relaxing in the sun, sand, and water.
  • Villa with a view — use your time to ski or to get cozy in front of a fire together.
  • Spa weekend — whether it’s couples’ massages on a beach or a full-scale spa weekend, make her feel special and relax a bit yourself.


Life can get boring with the same routines, people, and scenery. The SB/SD arrangement should be one that brings some excitement into your life!

Your sugar baby may be inexperienced and may not have had a lot of travel and adventure. Show her an adventure!

A few ideas:

  • White water rafting
  • Snorkeling
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Helicopter tour of a beautiful area
  • Chartered boat ride

Exciting Dining

Great food makes for a great date, and there are so many wonderful dining experiences to be had!

Some to consider are:

  • Food festivals
  • Winery tours
  • Sunset cruise with dinner and drinks
  • Food truck sampling — make a picnic day of food truck fare, a bottle of wine, and some music. Show you can be current and still romantic.
  • Course by course dining — have an appetizer at one restaurant, entrees at another, and dessert and a nightcap at a third. Make reservations ahead of time and plan a romantic means of transportation between locales …a walk hand in hand, horse drawn carriage, or a chauffeured car.

Whatever you decide to do with your SB during your time together, be present and make the most of the experience. You only live once, and living some of it in the sugar bowl can make it even sweeter!



You could get yourself a sugar daddy who would go all out to make your desires come true. Enjoy the fun aspect of a relationship with