I’m getting out of blogging.

Since leaving college in the summer of 2008, people have known me for running blogs.

Arron Hirst
4 min readJul 11, 2017

Today, that changes.

Hello, I’m Arron.

(Some of you may know me best as “RazorianFly.”)

Here’s a quick backstory:

Over the past 9 years, I have been involved in the founding, marketing and general day-to-day upkeep of a 100,000/mo blog.

Originally starting out as a hub to express my interest in Apple and all things mobile technology, RazorianFly.com grew to attract a worldwide audience and with it a global following – consequentially causing people to start referring to me as a ‘professional blogger,’ (whatever one of those is)…

In February, I made the decision to rebrand RazorianFly to RAZMAG.

It wasn’t an easy decision to leave behind your 8-years-in-the-making, trusted ‘brand’ — in favour for something that hadn’t been tested … but nevertheless I made the switch with the goal not just to change the way RazorianFly would be perceived by those who would discover it going forward, but to also turn it into something more than Apple – a place that would have its focus on the ever-visceral world of ‘pop culture,’ as a whole.

It was a big change, one that would conveniently precede Apple’s own refocusing of its digital media strategy – and how to deliver it (iPod/iPhone/iPad); to a company more recently focused on courting Hollywood for that next streaming exclusive, designed to bring in paying Apple Music subscribers… and (as a byproduct) sell devices.

iTunes CTR for RAZMAG.com (Jan 1 — July 9, 2017)

Despite the change and boost in CTR, though – which saw more than 500,000 click through from RAZMAG to Apple’s digital stores during the first half of 2017 – I’ve realised that ploughing another year into my once considered hobby of ‘blogging’ …is one that would likely be wasted.

Part of the reason for the above decision comes from personal headspace, of course, but part of it is also rooted in logic too — (at least to me, anyway):

iOS 11 debuts this September and with it Apple will launch a brand new version of the App Store. A words-first, editorially driven and daily updated portal for those interested in learning more about the apps, games and media that they will ultimately consume in the future.

iOS 11’s new App Store — Apple, Inc

It will be the long-anticipated introduction of the App Store’s written voice, a voice that has never really existed before — and just like RazorianFly and RAZMAG it’s one that I can see will grow to be trusted, going forward.

And so, as the title says: I’m getting out of blogging.

More specifically, blogging about Apple – but also, writing generally. I’m at a point in my life where I want to be known for more than running blogs.

I guess what I’m really trying to say is: I’ve got a lot more to give …

With the above said, I will from next week be returning my focus to freelance work. That includes my love of all things user experience, design and music.

RAZMAG will sunset in all forms, later this week — although separate projects such as AppChase (a redesign which will better complement iOS 11's coming aesthetic, is planned), THEHOTLIST.am and other off-branches of it, will remain.

If you’d like to follow me as I embark on the rest of this ongoing journey, (or you just want to say “hello”), you’ll find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Apple Music and LinkedIn.

Those looking to hire me for projects on a remote/freelance basis will also be able to contact me via arronhirst.com - starting next week.

I look forward to hearing from you. :)

