My Favorite Obscure AWS Service Names

Adam Arrowood
2 min readSep 23, 2022


In my best attempt to parrot Corey Quinn from Last Week In AWS, here are my favorite obscure (to me) AWS service names:

Amazon Lookout for Equipment
Best shouted at the top of your lungs: “Amazon, Lookout for Equipment !!!”

Amazon Neptune Lab Mode
Introduced at re:Invent by guest speaker Neil deGrasse Tyson

Amazon Rekognition
Some other team within Amazon is squatting on “Amazon Recognition”

Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler
Only appropriate if you tack on “Ye Haw” loudly in the end:
“Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler, Yeeee Haawwwww !!!!”

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Plus
The Apple Arcade version of “Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth”

Amazon Lumberyard
Once you reach the third age as Americans in Rise of Nations, you can upgrade your Amazon Lumbercamps to Amazon Lumberyards.

Amazon BugBust
I feel I should call them about the ant problem in my kitchen.

Amazon Sumerian
Sounds like the name of a Boss in a video game: “I can’t figure out how to beat the Amazon Sumerian at the end of level 10.”

Amazon CloudWatch Evidently
“What are they planning to use to front the website?”
“Amazon CloudWatch Evidently <throws hands up in the air>”

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery
Aw man, I saw Elastic Disaster Recovery at the 40 Watt before they got famous.

AWS Elemental Conductor
The AWS service most likely to appear as a monster in Dungeons and Dragons. Sadly, you only need to roll a two to defeat it.

AWS Glue DataBrew
Another fun one to say out loud. Any AWS service with an internal rhyme makes the list!

AWS Nitro System
The only truly useful service to use in conjunction with AWS DeepRacer.

AWS Proton
I have only positive things to say about AWS Proton.

AWS Snow Family
“Aww, look, someone made an AWS Snow Family on their lawn. How Cute!”

Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL
Don’t panic, I’m obviously including this one ’cause I am one hoopy frood.

NICE EnginFrame
It would be a shame if something happened to it.



Adam Arrowood

I don't think I can be summed up in less than at least 190 chars.