
Blockchain Infrastructure for DeFi, GameFi & NFT dApps

Arrum Arrum
8 min readMar 24, 2023


Syntrum crypto is a new digital currency that has recently emerged in the world of cryptocurrencies. Syntrum crypto is unique in the sense that it is designed to provide a more secure and private way of conducting transactions. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Syntrum crypto uses advanced encryption techniques to ensure that all transactions are secure and private.

One of the key features of Syntrum crypto is its use of ring signatures. Ring signatures are a form of digital signature that allows a group of users to sign a message, without revealing which user actually signed the message. This provides a higher level of anonymity and privacy, as it makes it difficult for anyone to trace the transaction back to a specific user.

Another important feature of Syntrum crypto is its use of stealth addresses. Stealth addresses are unique addresses that are generated for each transaction. This makes it difficult for anyone to track a transaction, as the address is only used once. This provides a higher level of privacy and security, as it makes it more difficult for anyone to steal or intercept the transaction.

In addition to these features, Syntrum crypto also uses a unique consensus algorithm known as Proof of Audit. This consensus algorithm is designed to ensure that all transactions are valid and secure. Proof of Audit works by using a network of auditors who verify each transaction. This helps to ensure that all transactions are legitimate and that there is no fraud or corruption within the network.

Another advantage of Syntrum crypto is its low transaction fees. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Syntrum crypto does not charge high transaction fees. This makes it an ideal choice for individuals and businesses who want to conduct transactions without incurring high fees.

Overall, Syntrum crypto is a promising new digital currency that has the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct transactions. Its use of advanced encryption techniques and unique consensus algorithm provides a higher level of security and privacy than other cryptocurrencies. In addition, its low transaction fees make it an attractive option for individuals and businesses who want to save money on transaction fees.

Despite its many benefits, Syntrum crypto is still a relatively new currency, and there are a number of challenges that it must overcome in order to achieve widespread adoption. Governments and financial institutions around the world are still grappling with how to regulate and manage cryptocurrencies, and there is a risk that excessive regulation could stifle innovation and growth in the industry.

Another challenge that Syntrum crypto faces is competition from other cryptocurrencies. There are a number of other digital currencies that offer similar features and benefits, and it remains to be seen whether Syntrum crypto can establish itself as a dominant player in the market.

Despite these challenges, Syntrum crypto has already made significant progress in its development and adoption. The currency has a growing user base, and there are a number of businesses and organizations that accept Syntrum crypto as a form of payment. As more people become aware of the benefits of digital currencies, it is likely that the popularity of Syntrum crypto will continue to grow.

However, like all new technologies, there are risks involved with Syntrum crypto. It is important for individuals and businesses to understand the risks before investing in this new digital currency. It is also important to do thorough research and to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Syntrum Token

Use cases

Syntrum token (SYT) is the native token of the Syntrum blockchain and ecosystem. It has the following main use cases:

Blockchain gas fees

SYT tokens serve as a means of payment for transactions within the Syntrum network, they are used to incentivize network nodes to validate blocks on the Syntrum blockchain network, thereby preserving network decentralization.

Access to technological services and dApp features

SYT provides access to various services, products, and features within the Syntrum ecosystem, enabling users to utilize the platform’s technology and advanced features.

Voting and Governance

SYT can be used to participate in decentralized governance and decision-making processes within the Syntrum ecosystem, giving token holders a say in the direction and development of the network.

Other use cases for the Syntrum token include:

Means of exchange

SYT serves as a medium of exchange on the Syntrum ecosystem’s peer-to-peer NFT marketplace and game hub.

Incentives for participants and dApp users

SYT serves as a reward for users who participate in the network’s staking consensus mechanism, contributing to network security. It is also used to reward users of Syntrum’s dApps, including play-to-earn and staking dApps.

Total Supply and Allocation

Allocation’s Lockup and Vesting

Team’s allocation is locked for 2 years, 5% emission quarterly after 2 years.

Partnership and development fund is locked up. Max. of 10% can be emitted at a time and on community vote

Foundation allocation is locked. Committee is set and community votes for any unlock.



  • Formation of entity mission and vision.
  • Development of key features’ architecture.
  • Product development started.
  • Expansion of the team — Hiring of technical team members (Phase 1)


  • Development and testing of several dApps/Products.
  • Product market viability testing.
  • Development of community building strategies.
  • Marketing and PR Partnerships.


DeFi :- SynLend

A user-centric, multi-chain decentralized algorithmic money market, gives users access to lending and overcollateralized borrowing.

  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • SynLend Smart Contract Audit
  • Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains
  • Multi-device notification Micro-service
  • Mobile App Integration

Marketing/Community — Centered

Adoption of an optimal marketing strategy that combines several marketing approaches used in the crypto space and a community — centered marketing mechanism

  • Repeated marketing events
  • Community engage-to-earn events
  • Paid marketing

GameFi Development Planning

GameFi hub for gamification of actives, such as actual games, tech development, bug bounty and play-to-earn management portals.

  • GameFi board and team selection
  • Development and budgeting
  • Proposal and governance mechanism

Partnership and Investors

To build an ever growing and sustainable blockchain/crypto project, a target of over 10 partners/Investors have been set for the first quarter of 2023.

  • Business/tech partnerships
  • Investors
  • Marketing partnerships


A Decentralized token sales platform, supports KYC (when applicable) and uses an improved tiered-weighted token alocation algorithm.

  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • LaunchPad Token Sale Smart Contract Audit
  • Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains
  • Token Sale DAO Voting Mechanism
  • Multi-device notification Micro-service

DeFi — SynVault

Multi-chain Staking and Liquidity mining vaults for Syntrum native assets. Supports the staking of tokens and NFTs across multiple blockchains.

  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • Staking/Farming Smart Contract Audit
  • Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains
  • Mobile App Integration

Token Generation Event

Token deployment on supported blockchains and the following token generation events takes place.

  • Seed and Angel Investors
  • Private Sale
  • Public Sale
  • Token Sacrifice Event

Exchange Listing

Token listing on both CEXs and DEXs across supported blockchains.

  • Token DEX Listings
  • Token CEX Listings


DeFi :- SynMargin/TMargin

Decentralized multi-chain leverage trading protocol. Undercollateralized lending mechanism that supports cross leverage trading and arbitrage on multiple DEXs.

  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • SynMargin TMargin/MBitrage Smart Contract Audit
  • Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains
  • Multi-device notification Micro-service
  • Mobile App Integration

NFT :- Marketplace

User-friendly digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Trade and discover exclusive digital items.

  • NFT Trading and Auctioning feature
  • Custom Marketplace Store Front for Creators and Projects
  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • Mobile App Integration

GameFi :- SynBox

Synbox, the Roblox of web3.0, bring your imagination to life. Earn as you create game assets and game worlds. Monitize Created your game assets

  • Game/World map development
  • Asset block clarification and earning algorithm
  • Alpha release v1 — Testing on multiple chains
  • Mobile App Integration

GameFi :- Build-To-Earn

A game builders hub where SynBox assets can be utilized in the development of games. custom games can be developed with little to no code. Browse through collections of game assets and worlds, integrate them to your game.

  • Asset collection browser portal
  • Builders/developers playground with collaborative tools
  • GameFi web3.0 plugin hub
  • Mobile App Integration

DeFi :- SynBridge

Cost effective, permissionless Token/NFT asset bridge with integrated Balance Point Seeking mechanism. Allow users to move assets easily and seamlessly across blockchains.

  • Alpha release v1 — Testing on multiple chains
  • Balance Point Seeking Mechanism
  • V2 Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains
  • SynBridge Smart Contract Audit
  • V2 Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains
  • Mobile App Integration

Syntrum Governance Mechanism

Major decisions relating to the development of Syntrum is to be decided by the people in the future, with this as the goal, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) mechanism is being developed.

  • DAO Proposal/Voting Mechanism
  • Integration with DeFi products
  • Integration with GameFi products
  • Integration with NFT products

DeFi — SynTokenomics

Token generation and tokenomics mechanism. Deploy, auto configure tokenomics, set lockup/vesting and distribution schedules with zero coding.

  • Deploy ERC20 Token
  • Deploy 721/1155 NFTs
  • Auto-configure token distribution and lockup


GameFi :- Scholarship Managment

Scholarship management platform for GameFi projects. Where users access and manage their scholarships on multiple GameFi projects.

  • Asset Scholarship and Earning Splitting Protocol
  • Project configuration portal
  • Sponsor/scholar portal
  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • Protocols smart contract audit
  • Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains
  • Integration of 10+ Play-To-Earn Project
  • Mobile App Integration

Mobile Wallet V1

Decentralize and secure multi-chain crypto mobile wallet developed to give users optimal user-experience and simplicity

  • Crypto assets support
  • NFT assets support
  • dApp Browser

DeFi :- SynVault as a Service (aaS)

Customizable multi-chain dApps aaS, includes staking and liquidity mining vaults. A cost effective and fully audited option for developers and projects.

ing of tokens and NFTs across multiple blockchains.

  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • Staking/Farming Smart Contract Audit
  • Admin configuration portal
  • Frontend integration codebase
  • Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains

NFT :- Asset uBrowser

Universal NFT smart contract browser, gives creators access to customize smart contract. Creators can connect and interact with contracts seamlessly.

  • Alpha release — Testing on multiple chains
  • Creators configuration portal
  • Mainnet Deployment on multiple blockchains


Syntrum Blockchain — Testnet

Syntrum blockchain, an infrastructure for DeFi, GameFi and NFT dApps. It leverages network mirroring technology to achieve real-time multi-network synchronization. An immutable network mirror tech. Which eliminates inter-network latency to achieve true interoperability. Allowing real-time communication between decentralized applications built on different blockchains.

  • Closed TestNet — kyrios Chain
  • Open TestNet — kyrios Chain
  • Mirror chain Integration

NFT :- Vault

Liquidity protocol for NFT collections. Value locked-in mechanism suitable for the development of NFT trading applications and asset insurance.

  • v1 testing
  • Smart contract audit
  • Application testing — Trading
  • Application testing — Insurance


GameFi :- Play-To-Earn Hub

Where games developed can be accessed by players. Home to numerous games in the ecosystem, users earn by playing games.

GameFi :- Tournaments & Quests

Configure and schedule game tournaments and quests. Users can organize tournaments/quest and determine the rules of play.

Mobile Wallet V2

Decentralize and secure multi-chain crypto mobile wallet developed to give users optimal user-experience and simplicity.

  • DEX Optimizer Router
  • Activity Sniffer
  • Activity Notifier
  • Browser Extension

GameFi :- Lost Treasure

Gamified bug bounty feature; rewards bounty hunters and white-hat hackers who participate in lost assets recovery and finding bugs in applications.

Link Information:








Forum Username: Arrum

Forum Profile Link:;u=3432298

Telegram Username: @Arrum0607

BEP20 Wallet Address: 0xA230e07CFe48256025cA681B887Cf3DCE15CE043

