The Fall of Silicon Valley Bank: A Summary for Non-Financial Experts on the Demise of a Once Safe Bet.

Arsalan Vossough
3 min readMar 12, 2023


The recent failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) has sent shockwaves through the tech industry. As a well-known financial institution for startups and entrepreneurs, many are left wondering what caused its downfall. In this article, we’ll explore the events leading to SVB’s failure, its impact on the industry, and what it means for the future of technology financing. So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive in!

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What went wrong?
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank serves as a stark reminder that even seemingly safe bets can crumble in the face of unforeseen economic forces. In this case, the bank’s troubles began with the US Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates, which caused investors to become more risk-averse and had a negative impact on technology startups, which is the bank’s primary clients. As a result, some of Silicon Valley Bank’s clients began pulling out their money to meet their liquidity needs, leading to a significant strain on the bank’s balance sheet.

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To fund the redemptions, Silicon Valley Bank sold a $21 billion bond portfolio consisting mostly of US Treasuries, which forced the bank to recognize a $1.8 billion loss. The bank attempted to fill this loss through a capital raise, but its efforts collapsed after some of its clients withdrew their deposits from the bank on the advice of venture capital firms. Ultimately, the bank ran out of cash, leading to its shutdown and takeover by regulators.

The Burning Question:
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has raised important questions about the match between the cost and lifespan of banks’ deposits and the yield and duration of their assets. Many banks, including Silicon Valley Bank, reached for “safe” yield to boost their income, but this strategy may have backfired as market interest rates moved higher, making the bank’s securities worth less on the open market than they were valued at on the bank’s books.

It is important to learn from the events that led to Silicon Valley Bank’s failure. Banks should carefully consider the duration and yield of their assets when making investment decisions, taking into account potential changes in market interest rates. They should also ensure that they have sufficient liquidity to meet their customers’ needs in times of stress, as the failure to do so can lead to a bank’s downfall.

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is a sobering reminder that banks must remain vigilant and be prepared to adapt to changing economic conditions to avoid a similar fate. It is always difficult to predict economic events, but by staying informed and staying ahead of the curve, banks can better position themselves to weather any storm that comes their way.

In conclusion, The downfall of Silicon Valley Bank should serve as a cautionary tale for banks that take on too much risk in pursuit of higher yields. By learning from the mistakes of Silicon Valley Bank, banks can better position themselves to thrive in a constantly changing financial landscape. Additionally, it’s essential for entrepreneurs and startups to effectively manage their assets, maintain liquidity, and remain prepared for economic changes to avoid suffering the same fate as Silicon Valley Bank. By remaining informed and taking proactive measures, businesses can withstand any challenges and emerge even stronger.

Authors: Arsalan Vossough, Angel Vossough

