Sad reality. Seems Humanity learned nothing from holocaust. And those who want to boycott Jews, some information for them. INVENTION by Jews. Pace makers and defibrillators by Paul Zoll, Genetic engineering -Paul berg, helped in mass production of insulin, E= mc2 - Albert Einstein, cholera and bubonic vaccinations- Waldemar, Polio disorder and research by Karl Landsteiner, and vaccine by Jonas Salk, refusing patent as it would make vaccines costly, last not the least GOOGLE founded by Larry Page and Sergey in 1998 while studying at university, Android phones work on google..



Dr.A. Arif Maghribi Khan. Kashmir.

#DOCTOR,working on awareness OF #Suicides,#Diabetes, #Domesticviolence , TB in #Kashmir,running 2 small FREE clinics for orphans/widows. Reay to help online.