Muhammad Arsheq Amjad
3 min readSep 19, 2023

The Battle of Hattin: Clash of Empires

Battle of Hattin for the movie "The Kingdom of Heaven"

Chapter 1: Prelude to Battle

The year was 1187, and the Holy Land was in turmoil. For decades, the Crusader states had maintained a tenuous hold over Jerusalem, a city sacred to Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike. In this volatile landscape, a formidable Muslim leader, Salahuddin Ayyubi, emerged as a symbol of hope for those seeking to reclaim the holy city from the Crusaders.

Chapter 2: The Rise of Salahuddin

Born in Tikrit, Salahuddin had risen through the ranks to become a military genius and a trusted commander in the service of his uncle, Shirkuh. After Shirkuh's death, Salahuddin assumed a leading role in the Muslim world. He realized that unity among the various Muslim factions was essential to challenge the Crusaders effectively.

Chapter 3: The Unification of Muslim Forces

Salahuddin embarked on a diplomatic campaign to forge alliances with Muslim leaders across the region. His charisma, leadership, and vision convinced many to join his cause. Among his allies was the formidable Kurdish leader, Shirkuh, who pledged his support.

Chapter 4: The Road to Hattin

As word of Salahuddin's growing power reached the Crusader states, panic spread among their leaders. The reigning King of Jerusalem, Guy of Lusignan, decided to march his forces to confront Salahuddin's army. They set up camp near the freshwater springs at Hattin, unaware that Salahuddin had already cut off their access to the Sea of Galilee.

Chapter 5: The Battle Unfolds

On the morning of July 4, 1187, the two armies met on the scorching plains of Hattin. Salahuddin's troops included not only skilled warriors but also mounted archers and infantry. The Crusaders, weighed down by heavy armor and suffering from thirst, were at a severe disadvantage.

Chapter 6: Salahuddin's Tactical Brilliance

Salahuddin's strategy was as brilliant as it was ruthless. He used his cavalry to encircle the Crusaders, slowly tightening the noose. His archers rained down arrows on the Crusader forces, exacerbating their already dire situation. Salahuddin's decisiveness and unwavering leadership inspired his troops.

Chapter 7: Defeat and Capture

As the battle raged on, the Crusaders became increasingly desperate. King Guy's forces began to crumble, and many knights were taken prisoner. Among the captives was King Guy himself, along with the relic of the True Cross, a symbol of Christian faith.

Chapter 8: The Fall of Jerusalem

The Battle of Hattin was a resounding victory for Salahuddin and a devastating blow to the Crusaders. With the Holy Land now largely defenseless, Salahuddin's forces went on to capture Jerusalem on October 2, 1187. However, Salahuddin's conduct during the siege would earn him respect even among his Christian foes.

Chapter 9: Legacy and Impact

The Battle of Hattin marked a turning point in the history of the Crusades. Salahuddin's chivalry, sense of justice, and military brilliance solidified his reputation as a hero. His capture of Jerusalem would stand as a symbol of Muslim unity and determination.

In the end, the Battle of Hattin was not merely a clash of empires; it was a defining moment in the struggle for control of the Holy Land. Salahuddin Ayyubi's legacy endures as a testament to the enduring spirit of those who strive for justice and the reclamation of what they hold sacred.