Carb Cycling for Weight Loss

4 min readAug 1, 2023


For many years carb cycling has been successfully used by fitness trainers and athletes. The great thing about using carb cycling for weight loss today is that yes you need to be disciplined about what you eat. But it is the kind where you can still eat great tasting food to ensure that you get lots of nutrition and so ensuring that your body’s energy levels remain high.

What you will also find through using a carb cycling diet over the other types available today is that not only do you lose weight a lot more quickly. But you will also find that the weight you do lose will stay off afterward.

With a carb cycling diet you will carry out the regime over a six day period and this is what will be repeated week after week until your target weight is hit. You will be required initially to eat carbs that are fibrous for the first three days. Then after this you eliminate such foods containing these types of carbs from your diet and replace them with those that are rich in starch for the next three days.


Although carbohydrates play an important part in this type of diet you don’t just eat foods that contain these. Every meal that you have of which you should be consuming five to six small ones each day must contain good amounts of protein in them as well. Plus you must also make sure that you consume lots of water as well.

Rather than the how many carbs you eat it is important that you make sure you are eating the right kinds when exercising in order to lose weight in the right way. On those days that you should be exercising then it is important that you eat the more fibrous carb foods rather than those which contain large amounts of starch in them.

On the days when you are consuming fibrous carb foods this is the time to do more strenuous forms of exercise like running long distances, jogging, playing tennis or cycling. Whereas on those days when you will be eating starch carbs the level of exercise should be much less. In fact anaerobic exercises would be perfect for these days as they only need to be carried out for just 12 minutes each day. Yet along with boosting your metabolism this form of exercise can strengthen your heart and lungs.

Diet plans come and go, but it really says something when a plan has staying power — that means it’s working for people. The Carb Rotation Diet plan, created by Jason Hunter, falls into this category. Being a registered dietitian, Jason has the nutritional credentials to give dieters the kind of plan that works fast and effectively.

First off, he has divided the plan into two parts: one for men and one for women.

The female version is called: The Dramatic Dress Size Reduction Diet

The male version is called: Get Rid of My Gut Diet

This makes sense, because men and women tend to gain and hold weight in different parts of their body. Women mainly want to lose unwanted fat in their hips, thighs and waist, while men want to get rid of that belly fat that can blow up to huge proportions.

Because he’s educated in nutrition, Jason spends some time in his book, teaching you about staying fit and healthy for the long term. I really think this is important information that constantly needs to be repeated, since, most people experience the disappointment of losing weight, then gaining it all back. It doesn’t have to be that way if you learn how your body really works with food.

The Carb Rotation Diet involves going on a weekly meal plan that uses calorie cycling to achieve a desired weight loss. Every three days, you’ll be shifting the amount of carbs, fats and proteins that you eat. Some days you’ll be eating low carb meals, some days you’ll be eating high carb meals, and other days you’ll be eating meals with no carbs in them whatsoever.

Because there’s a whole bunch of foods you can eat that fall under each cycle, you won’t be starving for foods that fill you up. In fact, Jason believes that starving yourself to lose weight is a losing method. The body responds to starvation by holding onto calories — exactly the opposite effect you’re trying to achieve.

You should avoid any diet that has you eating like a rabbit for several days in a row (cabbage soup diet for example), because you’re going to burn out on it real fast, then you have a high possibility of returning to all your favorite fatty foods to make up for feeling hungry.

This diet is for people who can faithfully follow a detailed eating plan for 30 days, and who are ready to take their eating choices and nutritional health seriously. Calorie cycling is a proven weight loss method that works, and you can easily learn to do this at home.

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