Does loyalty last forever?

3 min readMar 12, 2024


Can you define loyalty?

How do you feel after watching this movie, guys?
Very sad? Very moved? A flood of tears? That’s how I felt when I watched this movie, and I almost couldn’t finish it because there were too many tears, and my heart was broken and hurt.

GIF by Caitlin Jinks on BuzzFeed.

Yeah, this is a Hachiko. The dog, as always, is waiting for the man to pick him up to go home…

Hachiko was an Akita dog born on November 10, 1923, in Akita Prefecture. Professor Ueno adopted. Hachiko would accompany Professor Ueno to Shibuya station for work every day, and without fail, the loyal dog would return to the station on time to greet his owner at the end of the day. This routine continued every day without exception.

So, is the relationship between Hachiko and his owner a form of loyalty?

Or is loyalty a figurative word without meaning and significance in this life?

Photo by Isabel Carrasco on culturacolectiva.

Of course not. We can get the meaning of loyalty from Hachiko; he always accompanied his owner during his lifetime with great affection; this was because the owner, Professor Ueno, had saved his life and took care of him with great love, and without us realizing it creates a meaning of loyalty, we can see the form of loyalty by how Hachiko escorts and waits for the owner to return home together regardless of what situation he faces.

Rain pelts him.

Scorching heat burns him.

The snow covers his soft fur.

Hachiko is willing to endure it and wait for the owner to come to him.

Isn’t that the very thing that answers what loyalty means?

Yash, loyalty is not just a word spoken; the meaning of loyalty is how this feeling knows no time limits, circumstances, or even the biggest hope.

Many people think that loyalty is only limited to not turning away from a partner, but if we dig deeper, the meaning of loyalty is more than that; loyalty is not only about romance but also consistency, commitment to something without having a time limit and having a bond of trust, and the meaning of loyalty can vary depending on the context and individual values.

the true meaning of loyalty when…

The moment the owner passed away was also their last meeting, which brought tears to our eyes…

Photo by marzo on

He always looked for him in the places they always went to…

He is always waiting for the owner to come with immense hope.

Photo by Wesley Banks on Wesley banks author.

With hopes and cries, Hachiko waited with hunger. And he never forgot what his owner had done to him.

Photo by Allex Biden on buzzsharer.

Even until the end, Hachiko still shows loyalty by waiting for the owner’s return.

How deep is the meaning of loyalty shown by Hachiko? Until the end, the loyalty remains unhindered by anything until he follows calmly by carrying a bond of loyalty with…

His departure also brings a meaning that loyalty lasts forever.

“True loyalty is never diminished by time or circumstance. It is a state of mind that remains stable amidst all external changes.”

— C.S. Lewis

So, Does loyalty last forever…




This is a collection of my stories struggling to be the best version of myself.