Amal Body Language Challenge

Arslan Shehzad
3 min readMar 27, 2020


Body language influence during interview

The expression “non-verbal communication” incorporates pretty much any way, signal, or stance that passes on importance to the spectator. Non-verbal communication is particularly significant in a meeting as your questioner will be giving as a lot of consideration to nonverbal signals concerning what you need to state.


To do your own research on what makes good body language and then take pictures of yourself modeling 5 different poses of positive body language (for an interview)

  1. Steepling with hands:
Steepling with hands

“steepling” with hands passes on certainty , shrewdness and positive understanding.

2. Smile posture:

Smile Posture

Small changes in body language can effect big changes in how you feel — and think. Body Language is probably the most expensive and cheapest thing that you wear, you can easily wear a smile, because it doesn’t cost a thing BUT you can also cost you your job.

3. Relax posture:

Relax Posture

While giving a meeting ensure that you are sitting in an agreeable way .Close stance mirrors that you are guarded or negative disposition .More open stance mirrors that open attitude.Relax pose close posture.Sitting upright communicates something specific of brilliance, certainty and validity

4. Solid Eye contact

Eye Contact

When an interviewer is speaking, one of the most important things you can do is to maintain almost 100% eye contact. Failure to make eye contact — or worse — staring out into space, looking down or not paying attention, makes people seem less confident and fearful of the interview.

But it’s equally important to know when to break eye contact, which can be just as big of a nonverbal cue when you’re the speaker as it is when someone else is. In typical conversation, you’re making eye contact about 60% of the time, It’s normal to look away from time to time as you speak because it shows you are processing information in your brain. If you don’t look away while answering question.

5. How you are sitting matters a lot:

Sitting Matter a lot

There are certain positions which you should be aware of while giving interview. Leaning a bit forward position or too much leaning backward shows you are not listening attentively poised and relax position will be much effective and it reflects that you are very confident.


After practicing these tips, i have much energy to face the interview and it is very constructing to me.

