4 min readApr 6, 2020


At the end of 2019, BlueDot, a Canadian artificial intelligence startup specializing in tracking the global spread of infectious diseases, reported a group of “unusual pneumonia cases” to a market in Wuhan. in China. Just over a week later, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a statement explaining the discovery of a “new coronavirus” in a person with pneumonia in a Wuhan hospital.

COVID-19 has proven to be one of the most contagious diseases the world has known for decades. The virus has spread to more than 205 countries, infected more than 12,76,000 people and claimed more than 69500 lives. Visit Here For live dashboard:

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world quickly and unprecedentedly. The dramatic increase in the case of numbers combined with alarming death rates in countries like Italy, France, Spain, and USA has plunged the modern world economy into new and unknown waters. The AI industry has wasted no time in mobilizing resources to fight diseases and (other social factors). Today we want to give an overview of the use cases and trends of AI that have so far been uncovered by the global response of COVID-19.

Health trends

BlueDot used NLP to display health organization reports, commercial flights, animal health reports, satellite climate data, and reports to get information about global health trends.
A team at Boston Children’s Hospital implements a similar machine learning system through social communications, news reports, data from official public health channels and information from doctors.

Health research

The White House, in collaboration with technology companies and scientists, has announced a project to provide AI researchers with a large amount of COVID-19 research. The goal is to help researchers better analyze and understand a growing number of scientific articles on COVID-19 and to combat the information overload that makes it easier for researchers to find relevant studies.
Microsoft Research, the National Library of Medicine, and the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) have collected and prepared more than 29,000 articles on the new virus and the extended COVID-19 family, 13,000 of which are treated so that computers can read underlying data as well as information about the authors and their affiliations.


COVID-19 inspires companies to introduce AI call center solutions, and customer service centers are experiencing an unprecedented increase in total call volume. According to LivePerson, the volume on the conversation platform has increased “significantly”. The total call volume has increased by around 20% since mid-February, with vertical sectors such as airlines and hotels increasing 96% and 130%, respectively.
WeChat, operated by Chinese Tencent, provides access to free online health advice. Microsoft and CDC have developed an AI-based COVID-19 chatbot that can help you decide whether to go to the hospital.

Fever detection

China uses SenseTime’s facial recognition technology and temperature detection software to identify people who may have a fever and are more likely to have the virus.

An AI system developed by Chinese technology company Baidu uses an infrared sensor and AI to predict people’s temperatures is now used at Qinghe Station in Beijing.

Traffic monitoring

AI-assisted image analysis is used to examine how efforts to curb COVID-19 in the UK have affected volume and traffic patterns. Vivacity Labs, a startup that manufactures traffic sensors based on cameras, saw a 30% decrease in pedestrian traffic before announcing orders to stay at home. They were also able to analyze the distance between pedestrians and find 28% fewer interactions between pedestrians at a distance of more than 2 meters.


Facebook, Google, and Twitter have announced that they will rely more on their computerized moderation tools due to disruptions in their human-operated moderation staff.

CT diagnosis speed

Several companies use Computer Vision AI to improve the speed and accuracy of CT technologies. Healthcare imaging services are taxed by the increased workload caused by the virus, and there is hope that AI-based diagnostic systems can provide accurate virus diagnosis in a matter of seconds. Infravision, Alibaba, the Wuhan EndoAngel Medical Technology Company and the China University of Geosciences are just a few of the companies involved in CT analysis solutions.

Prediction of medications

BenevolentAI uses AI systems to develop drugs to treat COVID-19. They claim to have used their predictive skills to suggest existing drugs that could be useful in the weeks after the epidemic.
DeepMind takes another path to drug discovery with AlphaFold. AlphaFold examines genome sequences (available for COVID-19 and relatively easy to obtain) to predict the properties of the resulting proteins. These proteins can provide information about possible therapies.

Prediction of survival rates

The first result, based on clinical data from Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, uses AI to predict survival rates with a 90% response rate. The work was carried out by researchers from the School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation and other departments at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China.

ArStudioz would like to work with you to find solutions to the COVID 19 crisis

ArStudioz supports organizations that are working to accelerate solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic and implement preventive measures for the future. If you would like to work with us, please let us know.




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