Radha Sinha
2 min readFeb 16, 2024

Mumbai’s Art Deco buildings

When one thinks of Art Deco architecture, iconic buildings like New York’s Chrysler Building or the Palais de Chaillot in Paris often come to mind. But what about Mumbai? Surprisingly, this bustling metropolis is home to the world’s second-largest concentration of Art Deco buildings, with over 200 stunning structures scattered throughout the city.

The Art Deco style originated in Paris and quickly spread across Europe and the United States. As India was under British rule during the time of its prominence, colonization brought new ways of dressing, behaving, and designing to Mumbai, which was once a small fishing village.

Taking a stroll along Marine Drive, one of the city’s most picturesque roads that curves gracefully along the Arabian Sea, or exploring the upscale neighborhood of Malabar Hill, visitors will be treated to a feast for the eyes. Built during the 1920s through the ’40s, Mumbai’s Art Deco buildings feature sleek lines, ornate detailing, and the popular straight-lined typeface of the era.

The architectural trend gained momentum as many upper-class Indians traveled to the UK for education. Architects who were inspired by the aspirational nature of Art Deco brought the style back to Mumbai. Living in an Art Deco building became a symbol of wealth and success, as it represented a blend of modernity and sophistication.

Mumbai’s Art Deco buildings often incorporate nautical motifs, paying homage to the city’s rich maritime history. Portholes, ship deck-style balconies, waves, and sun rays can be seen adorning the facades. Some structures, such as the India Assurance Building, feature sculpted reliefs that depict traditional Indian motifs like lotus flowers, farmers, and Hindu deities.

Despite years of neglect, these buildings still exude charm and beauty. Many have fallen into disrepair but efforts are underway to revive and preserve Mumbai’s Art Deco heritage. In 2012, a citizens’ group petitioned for these buildings to be recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites. While they are currently on UNESCO’s tentative list, there is hope that they will achieve official status in the future.

Passionate individuals are also working to bring attention to Mumbai’s Art Deco treasures. Navin Ramani, who grew up in one of these buildings, authored a book titled Bombay Art Deco Architecture: A Visual Journey, showcasing the city’s architectural heritage. Atul Kumar, an architecture enthusiast, shares photographs of Mumbai’s Art Deco buildings on social media platforms under the handle @ArtDecoMumbai.

Visitors to Mumbai can further explore this architectural gem by joining a Heritage Walk or Art Tour offered by the Oberoi hotel. Local guide Meherrukh Mistry, who resides in one of the Art Deco buildings, provides customizable city tours, sharing the history and significance of these structures with pride.

The renewed interest in Mumbai’s Art Deco buildings is a testament to their enduring beauty and cultural importance. As Mistry expresses, there is a hope to protect and restore as many of these buildings as possible, showcasing them to the world with the same enthusiasm as other grand architectural marvels of the city. So, next time you find yourself in Mumbai, don’t miss the opportunity to be immersed in the world of Art Deco splendour that awaits around every corner.

Radha Sinha

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