Gestalt & IFS Exercises (Conference Table)

« Meet, Connect & Know Your Inner Critic & Parts »

Art Serve Awakening
16 min readFeb 22, 2023
All these Art-Therapy Articles are Human & Soul Created by Shakti Urmila, not the Result of AI Technology.

Are Confusion, Doubts, Resistance, Fears & Procrastination
States you Experience often & make you Feel Stuck ?

Is Inner Conflict something you Struggle & Battle,
One Part telling you to do that & another fighting any Steps & Progress ?

Are Resistance to Act & Frustration with not getting the Results you want
Regular Recurrent Experiences you encounter again & again ?

Do you Feel you are able to Truly Thrive & Move Forward in Life,
not Repeating & Recycling Old Past Stories, Emotions, Feelings ?


There is nothing WRONG if you answer Yes to any of these Questions !
And there is nothing WRONG with YOU if you Experience some of that !

These are just Pointers, for You to Notice, Acknowledge, Validate, Become Aware of something that Needs Your Support, Love, Care, Attention & that Seek Resolution so you can Feel Whole, Healthy, Functional & Happy !

Rather than Seeing it as a Problem, Failure, Mistake, or Flaw,
that Define You & Makes you Feel Unworthy, Shame, Guilt & Dysfunctional.

See it as Something within You, that Seek your Attention, to Receive what it has Never Received … in enough amount, from anyone, anywhere, anytime, including You … Presence, Love, Compassion, Kindness, Care, Validation, Acknowledgement & Forgiveness.

These Pointers lead you to some Parts that … Experience Conflict with each other, or Struggles, or are Stuck in Time in an Event, or have Never Received what it Needed to Heal, Find Closure, Feel … Seen, Listen, Understood Validated & Supported, Being Able to Move Forward & Feel Worthy, Deserving, Loved & Lovable !

These Pointers are the Solutions !
These Pointers are a Sign of Health !

Your Whole Psyche is Divinely Designed to Find
Resolution, Closure, Completion !

Psyche is … the human soul, mind, or spirit … or the deepest thoughts, feelings, or beliefs of a person or group … mind and deepest feelings and attitudes … the totality of the human mind, conscious, subconscious & unconscious.


Let’s Connect, Meet, Acknowledge, Know
Some Parts that Play Important Roles in your Life !

I saw that all aspects of my life had been pulling me out of balance because I hadn’t perceived them as part of a “whole,” or the totality that was “me.”
Brenda Strong

Start to Observe, Examine, Discern & Know what are the Parts that are most Dominant in your Life & Create a Map that shows you your Inner Hierarchy, where Parts Conflicts or can & Try to Suppress Other Parts, Occupying the Whole Stage … it will Shows You your Conflicts, Misbalances & Disharmonies, where some of your Energy is Stucked, Involved, Blocked, Drained & Diverted.

In our Modern Contemporary Society, the Masculine (Head, Mind, Intellect) Part is Overvalued, Empowered & Rules most of our Life.
This Part has the tendency to Act & Behave as the Leader of other Parts.
It is not ! The True Leader is Your Core Self.

You have to Value this Part, but put it in its Right Place, an Important & Valuable Part, but not the Only Part, an Authoritarian that Occupies the Space, Main Stage & Rule How you Live your Life !

We are Conditioned to Value the Masculine over the Feminine
We are Conditioned to Value the Head over the Body
We are Conditioned to Value
the Mind & Intellect over the Emotions & Feelings
We are Conditioned to Value
Seriousness & Work over Play, Rest & Free Time
We Get so Focus & Trapped on Specific Aspects, but lose side of the Whole & How Specific Aspects are Part of the Whole !

It is Reflected in All Modern Crisis, Conflicts & Wars. From …
Health, Race, Climat, Social Justice, Profit, Ressources, Money & Wealth

Where some Parts Claim, they are more Important & Valuable than Other Parts, Try to Rule them & Overpower them … losing side that without them they can’t Continue to Exist & they will Collapse because Life is a Whole ! It has Parts, but they are Part of a Whole & Function as a Whole !

You See it in the Body, in Nature, in Native Community, in the Cosmos, it is the Core Principle of Life & Gets Reflected in Each Creation of Life.
A Whole has Parts that Function Together, that’s How they Thrive, Achieve their Goals & are Successful in their Mission & Purpose.


The Future Self Part

The key to making healthy decisions is to respect your future self. Honor him or her. Treat him or her like you would treat a friend or a loved one.
A. J. Jacobs

Here are some Pointers & Key Words to Describe what the Future Self is All about, do your own Journaling to come up with what it means to you & get to Know that Part & what are its Roles, Qualities, Agendas, Purpose, Mission, … Ask Your Future Self to Talk to You, Reveal to you what are its Needs, Wants, Aspirations, …

  • > Being Successful at … Dreaming, Being Imaginative & a Visionary, Innovating, Seeing into the Future, Creating New Adventures, Taking Risks, Thinking out of the Box, Seeking New Possibilities, …
  • > Qualities
    Fearless, Hopeful & Faithful, Open-Hearted, Curious, Passionate, Intuitive, Excited about the Future, Feeling Alive & Thrilled, Move by Passion, Attracted to the Unknown & New, Drive by Novelty, …
  • > Goals
    Moving Forward & Building New Momentum, Creating New Patterns, Habits, Neuropathways, …
  • > Roles
    In Charge of … Expansion & Evolution, Connecting New People & Experiences, Changes & Transformations, Living & Taking you out of the Comfort Zone.
  • > Purpose & Mission
    Lead you into the Future, Make sure you Connect & Move toward the New Possibilities available to you & the Actualization of your Potential.
  • > Energy
    Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Energy
  • > Chakras
    Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye & Crown
    Etheric Body


The Inner Critic Part

“The constellation of our fears manifests as the Inner Critic. This psychological construct can trick us into believing the very worst about ourselves and our ability to create or do anything else of value in the world.”
Denise Jacobs

Here are some Pointers & Key Words to Describe what the Inner Critic is All about, do your own Journaling to come up with what it means to you & get to Know that Part & what are its Roles, Qualities, Agendas, Purpose, Mission, … Ask Your Inner Critic to Talk to You, Reveal to you what are its Needs, Wants, Aspirations, …

  • > Being Successful at … Protecting You, Keeping you Safe, Make you Survive, Thrive for You to Be Accepted & Recognized Socially so you are Part of the Group.
  • > Qualities
    Strong, Determined, Committed, Focused, Alert, Present, Protective
  • > Goals
    Protect You, Spare you from Pain & Disappointment, Avoid Shame, Build Safety Systems & Measures, Maintain you in the Known & Comfort Zone.
  • > Roles
    Your Dedicated Personal Safe Guard, Protector & Manager
  • > Purpose & Mission
    In Charge of Social Status, Reputation, Self-Image, Family & Social Circles Belonging
  • > Energy
    Mental Energy
  • > Chakras
    Mental Body


The Masculine Part

“Strength, Courage, Mastery, and Honor are
the alpha virtues of men all over the world.”
Jack Donovan

Here are some Pointers & Key Words to Describe what the Masculine is All about, do your own Journaling to come up with what it means to you & get to Know that Part & what are its Roles, Qualities, Agendas, Purpose, Mission, … Ask Your Masculine to Talk to You, Reveal to you what are its Needs, Wants, Aspirations, …

  • > Being Successful at … Focus, Action, Work, Thrive in Action, Drive to Build, Measuring, Planning, Networking, Strategizing, Thinking, Discerning, Mind, Skills, Abilities, Techniques, Expertise.
  • > Qualities
    Power, Strenght, Focused, Action Taker, Risks Taker, Adventurer, Intellectual, Thinker, Hard Worker, Builder, Container, can Handle, Religious
  • > Goals
    Want Concrete Results, Focus on Outcomes, Achieving Goals
  • > Roles
    Provider, Protector, Leader, Authority Figure, Father, Head of Family & Community, Alpha
  • > Purpose & Mission
    Lead, Inspire, Build Legacy
  • > Energy
    Mental Energy
    Solar (Fire) & Sky (Air) Energy
  • > Chakras
    Mental Body


The Feminine Part

“The deepest experience of the creator
is feminine, for it is experience of receiving and bearing.”

Rainer Maria Rilke

Here are some Pointers & Key Words to Describe what the Feminine is All about, do your own Journaling to come up with what it means to you & get to Know that Part & what are its Roles, Qualities, Agendas, Purpose, Mission, … Ask Your Feminine to Talk to You, Reveal to you what are its Needs, Wants, Aspirations, …

  • > Being Successful at … Being in the Moment, Relaxing, Enjoying Life, Connected to the Elements & the 5 Senses, Pleasure, Relationship, Playfulness, Joy, Expressing Emotions & Feelings, Being Mature
  • > Qualities
    Presence, Femininity, Sensuality, Sensitivity, Beauty, Caring, Loving, Connection, Receptivity, Spiritual, in Touch, Feeling, Lover, Intuition
  • > Goals
    Feel, Love, Nurture, Care, Connect, Relate, Create the Right Environment & Conditions for Comfort, Care & Evolution
  • > Roles
    Care Taker, Nurturer, Educator, Authority Figure, Mother, Heart of Family & Community
  • > Purpose & Mission
    Love, Inspire, Generate, Raise & Provide the New Generation
  • > Energy
    Emotional & Heart Energy
    Earth & Physical Energy
  • > Chakras
    Root, Hara, Heart, Third Eye & Crown.


The Child Part

“The most sophisticated people I know — inside they are all children. ”
Jim Henson

Here are some Pointers & Key Words to Describe what the Inner Child is All about, do your own Journaling to come up with what it means to you & get to Know that Part & what are its Roles, Qualities, Agendas, Purpose, Mission, … Ask Your Inner Child to Talk to You, Reveal to you what are its Needs, Wants, Aspirations, …

  • > Being Successful in … Free Time, Play, Beginner Mind, Curious & Innocent, Open Heart, Authenticity, Vulnerability, Expression, Dreams, Imagination, Exploring Everything, No Boundaries, Freedom
  • > Qualities
    Curiosity, Innocence, Loving, Heart.Full, Vulnerable, Authentic, Sensitive
  • > Goals
    Play, Learn, Have Fun, Enjoy, Dream, Imagine, Create, Imitate to Integrate Skills
  • > Roles
    Initiate Adults to regain Innocence, Connect Adults to Joy, Invite Adults to Play, Open Adults to Love
  • > Purpose & Mission
    Play, Learn, Grow, Expand, Evolve
  • > Energy
    Heart & Soul Energy
  • > Chakras
    Heart, Base, Hara
    Etheric & Spiritual Body


The Teenage Part

“Everything seemed possible, when I looked through the eyes of a child.
And every once in a while; I remember,
I still have the chance to be that wild.”

Nikki Rowe

Here are some Pointers & Key Words to Describe what the Inner Teenager is All about, do your own Journaling to come up with what it means to you & get to Know that Part & what are its Roles, Qualities, Agendas, Purpose, Mission, … Ask Your Inner Teenager to Talk to You, Reveal to you what are its Needs, Wants, Aspirations, …

  • > Being Successful at … Having some Fun in Life, Create Juicy Adventures, Meet New People & Cultures, Take Risks, Romance, Enjoy Life to the Fullest, Growing, Expand, Curious & Open.
  • > Qualities
    Free, Rebellious, Antagonist, Argue, Idealistic, Fearlessness, Boldness, Freedom & Justice Fighter, Fresh, Unstoppable, Limitless, …
  • > Goals
    Break Rules, Break Norms, Break Limitations, Stand against Establishment, Don’t Follow Authority, Finding its Own Way, Being an Outsider & Wayshower
  • > Roles
    Initiate Adults to Break Molds, Connect Adults to Freedom, Invite Adults to Stand Firm & Create Boundaries, Open Adults to New Possibilities & Way of Thinking
  • > Purpose & Mission
    Have Fun, Create the Future, Enjoy Friends & New Cultures, Connect with the New & Future.
  • > Energy
    Water, Fire & Flow Energy
  • > Chakras
    Hara, Plexus, Heart, Throat,
    Physical & Spiritual Body


The Soul Part

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”
C.S. Lewis

Here are some Pointers & Key Words to Describe what the Soul is All about, do your own Journaling to come up with what it means to you & get to Know that Part & what are its Roles, Qualities, Agendas, Purpose, Mission, … Ask Your Soul to Talk to You, Reveal to you what are its Needs, Wants, Aspirations, …

  • > Being Successful at … Seeing the Whole & the Moving Parts, Learning, Evolving, Expanding, Generating Unconditional Love, Understanding, Harvesting & Integrating, Extracting Lessons from Experiences, Creating New Forms, Upgrading itself, Parenting its Incarnations, Channel Higher Power & Energies.
  • > Qualities
    Compassion, Curiosity, Calm, Clarity, Courage, Connectedness, Confidence, Creativity, Coherence, Cooperation, Playfulness, Patience, Presence, Perspective & Persistence, Maturity, Wisdom, Love, Discernment
  • > Goals
    Learning, Growing, Mastery, Evolving, Reparation, Redemption, Allowing more Consciousness, Light & Love to Be Received, Embodied in the Physical & Matter
  • > Roles
    Initiator, Leader, Master, Teacher, Parent, Inspirational Figure
  • > Purpose & Mission
    Bring Light & Love into Matter, Evolve
  • > Energy
    Spiritual & Non-Physical Energy
    Mastery of All Bodies (Etheric, Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, …)
  • > Chakras
    All Chakras
    All Bodies


Here is WHY it Matter & it is IMPORTANT
FOR You to Consider & Embrace All your Parts !

« You are all things. Denying, rejecting, judging or hiding from any aspect
of your total being creates pain and results in a lack of wholeness.
Joy Page

Here is some of my Personal Story, that illustrate the Importance & Sense of Why Making this Parts Work Being Done, Clarified & Fully Acknowledged … Matter & is Important for your Evolution !

Before my 50’s, I had a Big Life Review going on, to Clarify How I wanted to Create this New Next 20 Years Chapter of my Life !

Clarify what Matter the most to me, Why it was Important to Take Action on it & How can I do That, in a Practical Way, that Leads me to Make True & Real these Desired Outcomes … Dreams going from Being Imagined by the Mind to Being Manifested into the Matter !

The Thing is, I was not Fully Aware, at that Time, that most of my Vision, these Views, Choices & Decisions were made mostly from only One Part, my very Driven Masculine Part, which is Only Concerns are about Impact, Service & Contribution through my Work.

I Totally lost Touch (or Awareness) of what All other Parts Needed, Wanted, Aspired to & Deserved too … the Concrete Result of this after 2 Years, Being my Life Revolving mostly around Work as a Priority & Ending up in Feeling, Being Completely Burnout, Out of Balanced & Drained from my Juicy Playful Energy & Enthusiasm.

As a Result It has Birthed another Life Review, to Better Align & Find Balance, but Now with the New Awareness & Awakening of All Parts that has to Be Embraced & Included in my Future Choices, Desicions & the Actions I am taking from this New Awareness & Awakening that Lead to Wholeness & Inclusiveness.

What this New Awareness & Awakening is Allowing …

  • Have more Clarity
    on the Whole & Parts
  • Make Better Choices
  • Take Better Decisions
  • Resolve Inner Conflicts
  • Feel more Love & Compassion
  • Put Self-Care & Awareness of All my Parts an Important Element
    of my Daily Routine & How I Move Forward with my Life’s Projects.
  • Listen more Deeply
  • Being more Present, Aware & Awake
  • Embrace the Whole of « Who I am »
    & Being Successful in Achieving Goals
    with the Support of All Parts.
  • Find a New Alignment that Results in Greater Coherence, Balance & Health (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual)


There are much more Parts, you will Discover within Yourself, but Let’s Focus on these Main Important Parts that are in Charge of Sectors of your Life & have Massive Impact & Potentially can Conflict with Each Other & Work against your Best Interest !

You have to, as the Core Self, re.establish Order, Balance & Harmony.
A leg is not more important than an arm, they both are important & valuable, they both have a specific place & role to play where they serve the whole.
Some Parts are more Valued in our Society, but make us function from a limited potential & create conflicts, misbalances,

Here are some Example of Parts … you can Connect with, Explore, Dialogue with & Discover more … they will reveal to you what their Focuses are, How they can Be Big Player in your Life, How you can make the most of All of them & How Mutual Love can Bond You to Act as a Team, Together !

  • Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Parts
  • Feminine, Masculine, Neutral Parts
  • Child, Teenager, Adult, Elder Parts
  • Future & Past Selves Parts
  • If you are into Past Lives, you can also Apply this Parts Work, it is very similar to what is called in Shamanism « the Soul Retrieval Process »
  • Parts who have Experience Traumatic Events, make sure you have a Support System (Partner, Friends, Therapist, Mentor or Coach) in Place if you do it alone on your own.
    And/or go to an IFS Certified Therapist that can Lead You into that Healing Process … that is the most Wise & Recommended Choice that will Benefit You the most because you will learn from it how to do Parts Work better !


Weekly Guidance & Homework

Let’s Explore what Each Parts Value, Need, Want, Aspire, Aim for
& what are their Roles, Purpose & Mission in your Life !

What will they do ? If they were given the driver’s seat,
Free to do whatever they want & Free to Live your Live according to their Unique Perspectives, Values, Needs, Wants, Aspirations & Dreams !

  • 1 Future Self
  • 2 Inner Critic
  • 3 Masculine
  • 4 Feminine
  • 5 Child
  • 6 Teenager
  • 7 Soul

You will Need to Take Time to Explore Each Part.

Dedicate a Week to a Part & do 4x30 min or 2h of Weekly Journaling
Journaling will Provide you Data about this Part & What Truly Matters the most to that Part & How she will use your Time, Focus, Energy if totally granted to her/his Needs, Wants, Aspirations, Dreams & Goals.

You will have to Know them First, to Be able to Form a Team
where they can Each Play their Parts & Contribute to your Life.


For Now & this Week 2h Practice
Put 8 Chairs (one is for the Core Self, Mediator) around a Table,
or 8 Cushions (one is for the Core Self, Mediator) in Circle.


  • Let Each Part Speak 10 minutes (1h10)
    about What it Wants, Needs, Aspires, Aim for
    Take the Time to Feel them, Experience them, Embody them (1–2 min.)
    Know their Energy, Posture, tones of Voice, How they Move & Present
  • As the Core Self & Mediator (20 min)
    Value, Acknowledge, Thanks All of them
    See, Observe, Notice
    Where they are Possible Conflicts of Interests
    & if there is a Dominant Part that is Leading
    most of your Life, Choices, Decisions & Actions.
    Making itself more Important than other Parts (Hierarchy)
  • Put the Leader Part on the hot seat (30 min)
    & Show her/him how he can better lead, if he releases some of its
    Importance, Control, Power over other Parts that are not
    Respected, Acknowledged, Valued, Honored in their
    Needs, Wants, Aspirations, Goals & Status, Roles, Purpose & Mission.
    Show her/him as the Core Self, how they will Oppose, Resist, Sabotage, Fight & Rebel against her/him Taking each Action & Achieving Satisfying Concrete Results.
    Show her/him as the Core Self, how he gains from having a Team
    who is Cooperating, Collaborating & on her/him sides
    VS who is Fighting, Resisting, Sabotaging, or Opposing her/him.
    Show her/him as the Core Self, how he Benefits from not Occupy All the Stage & Space … How she/he is getting Drained, Depleted, Unhappy & Dissatisfied by being alone, isolated & battling from other Parts that bring Balance, Energy, Juice, Playfulness, Assets, … into the Whole.


I Hope that this Article
provided you some New Light

Invite You to Practice a Brand New Paradigm
Create that Beautiful Empowering New Relationship
with your Inner Critic


Take Care, Be Well
Feel Loved & Be Blessed
Shakti 💕 💞 💗 ✨

Thank You to Generously
Share this Knowledge Easy to Apply

It can Change Lives & Generate a Positive Impact
to anyone that wants to have greater Relationships
& the Ones who Feel at the end of their rope
for a temporary moment … or now for a long time.


You want to Know more about me, my Journey & my Background
Read my Bio
You want to Work with me & this Year’s Materials,
Go to the bottom of this page for more Information & Contact-me !


So … What are your Main
Insights, Aha Moments, Breakthroughs, Transformations
from this Week’s Article ?

Is your Relationship with the Inner Critic & Parts
have started to show Results & Transformations ?


Are you Feeling more at Peace with the Inner Critic & Parts of You ?


The more you Participate, Share & Interact with this content,
the more you can Reflect, Harvest, Integrate & Embody
the Knowledge I Share, so it becomes your Daily Reality.

Reading is Good, a Great First Step, but will vanish quite Quickly if it
stay a 10 minutes activity, means change & transformation can’t occur !

Participating is Greater, Building more long-term memory
& long-lasting Synaptic neural pathways in your brain !

in Short, the information doesn’t quickly vanish, is & stays temporary
but become an anchored long-term reference point you can access from
where you can think & act from, means change & transformation occurs !

Please Share in the Comment any of your
Questions, Explorations, Discoveries
& How you Feel about the Inner Critic,
its Impact on your Life & Relationships.

Let’s Restore Peace, Balance & Justice within
Build a New Relationship where
you Thrive with Vs Suffer Your Inner Critic.
The Inner Critic doesn’t take any Breaks
So you have to be as much dedicated as him !


Next Week We Start a New Series …
Deepening the Knowledge & Understanding of the Inner Critic
& Be Aware of what the Inner Critic Really Feeds on & Thrive from !

« Perfectionism »


Last Week We Learn …
How Parts within us are Conflicting & Drain our Energy

& Build Alliances between Parts, so it Builds a Team Vs Separated Parts that Conflict & Fight for Power, Control, Authority & Leadership Position.

« Building a Healthy Relationship & Connection with the Inner Critic»


There will Be a Series of Audio Guided Sessions released this Year, so You can have more Help, Support & Empowerment for Your Journey, Overcoming … Blocks, Challenges & Feeling Lost, Stuck or Confuse with Your Emotions, Feelings, Inner Critic, Self-Expression.
Want to Be Notified when Audio will be Released & Available, email me !
– YES, I want to Be Notified of the Audio Guided Sessions –

Want to Go Deeper
Work with this Year Materials & me,
Email me & ask to be on the waiting list
– YES I want that Free Workshop –
For the FREE Workshop in September 2023
« The Healthy Way to Deal, Express & Process Anger »
1 month to Turn your Life Around &
Change your Relationship to Anger
from Harmful, Destructive & Toxic to Healthy & Beneficial.
On the Path of … Emotional Mastery 3 months Program
(Live with me, only once, from October-November-November 2023, later available only as an Online Course & Digital Product)
Pre-Sales at Discounted Rate > till July 1st 2023
Email me & ask to be on the waiting list
– YES I want that Program & Live Access to you –
Email Love Team





This content is for educational purposes only, if you have any Mental Health issues, please do reach out to a professional & get the support, care you need.

It can allow you to move through everything you experience, much more easier & faster in your healing journey, mental health care process.

You deserve to receive the right support for you to feel better & healthy.



Art Serve Awakening

My Name is Shakti. I am Addicted to Colors & Paints. Passionate Soul. Certified « Master Painter » Art-Therapy Instructor Facilitator . 2001–2006 . Pune . India