The Art & Power of Celebrating YourSelf

Art Serve Awakening
6 min readJan 4, 2023


All these Art-Therapy Articles are Human & Soul Created by Shakti Urmila, not the Result of AI Technology.

Have you noticed that inner voice, that constantly, highlight all of your flaws, failures, mistakes ?

Is this voice, so Toxic & Negative, that it prevent you, to take any actions toward your dreams, goals, aspirations ?

In the next following 3 months, of 2023, I will show you, How you can turn your Inner Critic, into your Best Friend, most Loyal Ally & Greatest Asset, to Succeed at Achieving, All your Goals, Dreams & Aspirations !

Here is …

Why, Celebrating YourSelf Matter, is Massively Important, & can make, a Huge Difference on, You Achieving or not, your 2023 Goals !

The Art & Power of
Celebrating YourSelf … because,
Your Inner Critic, is Celebrating, All
your Flaws, Defects, Failures, …

Yes that’s Right ! You Inner Critic will, constantly, Celebrate All your Flaws, Defects, Failures, … All the Points that doesn’t work in your Life. Remind you, of that one person, who made these awful comments, reducing you to their negative perspective of you, plant doubt & shame in you, make you feel less than a piece of shit.

The Inner Critic, is a Part of You,
that can Ruin your Life, if You Allow it !
So don’t Allow that Part to Be Toxic
& Talk you Trash !

And also Develop a Part of You, that is
Supportive, Empowering, Loving, Caring
that Celebrate You, Cheerlead You !

This Article today is Focusing on that Part
within You, that will Provide
Support, Energy, Motivation, Enthusiasm *
Lift you up to Be & Live Empowered.

… *From Latin enthusiasmus & Greek enthousiasmos
divine inspiration » « be inspired or possessed by a god, be in ecstasy » …


How to Celebrate Your Self

I love being Practical, have Knowledge that I can applied.
So here is what you can Focus on

  • Acknowledge & Celebrate your
    Wins, Successes, Victories, Steps, Milestones, Achievements.
  • Reflect on the Past Day, Week, Year, Decade, Life & Highlight, Acknowledge & Celebrate Your Major Wins, Successes, Victories, Steps, Milestones, Achievements.
    Come up with 3 to 5 or 7 Points that you can easily Remember
    (for example when you … stop smoking, had that certification, win that race, accomplish your goals, reach that milestones, ….)
    Write it Down & Read it often.***
  • Value YourSelf Reflecting, Acknowledging & Celebrating it fills your cup, it tune yourself into your heart, it grounds you in your Inner Resource « your Inner Refuge », it align you, it gives you energy & passion, it makes you Shine your Light, …
  • It is Being Your Best Friend & Partner
    an Act of Self-Love, Kindness & Compassion.
  • It’s not about drinking alcohol, going to a party, or anything like that. It’s much Deeper, it is Acknowledging your Worth, Beauty & Uniqueness That you Life & Journey is Valuable, Contributing & Making a Difference in your own unique way. You are the Creation of something Mysterious that brought you here.
  • Why Stop at You, Celebrate People around You. Your Family, Loved Ones, Friends, Relatives, even Strangers. Remind them they have something worth of Celebration in their Life. We tend to forget, how good, generous, kind, abundant we are !

Why Celebrating ?

If you don’t, why People should
Acknowledge, Value & Celebrate You ?

It is Good for your

  • Mental Health, Emotional Health, Physical Health. It Produce Chemicals in your body that Enhance Health.
  • Motivation, Enthusiasm, Energy, Passion, Drive, … are Nurtured & Empowered by Celebration.
  • It Build new neuro pathways in your brain that will replaced the old neuro pathways of the Inner Critic.
  • As a nanny I Celebrated lots of babies in their first …. it made them Shine so Freaking Bright. We are no Different. Taking Time to Fully Acknowledge, Value, Celebrate Important Major Life’s Accomplishments is NEEDED to Be Anchored in our Memories.
  • So if that’s not Enough, just the Joy of Celebrating Activates You Physically, Emotionally, Physically & Spiritually. It Remind You that Life is Worth Living, Worth Dreaming Big, Worth Spreading your Magic & Love.
  • When You Celebrate you don’t F***k your Mind. We all have all types of daily concerns that overwhelm us, Celebrating YourSelf is that Cheap Quick Holiday or Break from all you have to deal with everyday & … it’s a lot !
  • It becomes an Healthy Routine & Habit that is consolidated in your brain, the more you Practice, the more you can rely on this SuperPower of Yours.
  • It becomes your Energetic Baseline, from which You Feel, Live, Act, Connect with the Inner & outer world.
  • Most of us did not Grow up Being Celebrated. It’s never too late to Start Giving us what we did lack in the past.

The Benefits of Celebrating ?

Besides the Major Health side-Effects
I mentioned
, It …

  • Heals Parts of You that have never been Celebrated
    Yes Ouch … it hurst to not have received that Love, Attention.
  • Restore Trust & Connection from these Parts, so they don’t
    Sabotage your Projects, Relationships & Future.
  • People who didn’t Celebrated You, did because they were just Ignorant, didn’t experience it themselves, so it was impossible for them to give you what they never received.
  • There is a huge Healing of your Inner Child happening, because this part doesn’t have your maturity, level of consciousness. To Give YourSelf that Energy of Celebration have Deep impact on the Inner Child Parts.
  • We may have all experience how being Rejected, Betrayed, Abandoned Feels Celebrating is restoring a Deep Trust & Faith for Parts who has Experienced that in the Past. We can more easily forget hardships when Joy is There !
  • Celebration Connect You to Joy, Flow, Happiness, Smile, Laughter, Play, Lightness, Playfulness, Love, Deep Breathing, Relaxation, Energy,
    Peace of Mind, Vitality, Bliss, Fun, Life.

The Price of not Celebrating ?

Having only the Inner Critic Activated Consciously or not
that is in the driving seat
Leading your Choices, Decisions & Actions.
Activate the Celebration within You
Cultivate & Nurture this Cheerleader that brings more
Joy, Vitality, Passion Energy into your Life
& Empower You by Infusing your Choices, Decisions & Actions
with Greater …………………

Weekly Guidance & Homework

  • Take a Piece of Paper or a Notebook
  • Reflect on your Whole Life
    What are the 3 to 5 Major & Significant Victories,
    Accomplishments that makes you Feel Proud ?
    (Example: Giving Birth, Certification, Survive Event,
    Overcome Addictions or Challenges, …….)
  • Write that Down
    I have Accomplished …………………
    I have Completed ………………….
    I have Survived ……………………..
    I have Overcomed …………………..
    I have Achieved ……………………….
    I have …………………………………….

These are my Life’s Wins, Victories, Successes.)

  • Read it Everyday for the next Week & Celebrate these Facts of your Life. Harvest & Extract what it Feels, Stay with the Feelings during the days Remind How it Feels in your Body & Observe How it change your Day & Week !
  • Continue to Practice made it a Daily Routine To Connect with the Facts, Celebration & Feelings

Create a Vision Board of your Accomplishments
Start your Day by Fully Acknowledging & Celebrating
Your Amazing Life’s Wins, Successes, Victories, Gains, Milestones, Steps, …

We are so Quick to Discard, Dismiss, Ignore Our Wins, Victories, Successes, Qualities.

While our Inner Critic don’t miss any opportunity to Remind us Crap, Flop, Epic Fail & All our Flaws.

Let’s Restore Balance & Justice
Practicing Celebration way more !
The Inner Critic don’t take Breaks ! so are you ?

I Hope that this Article provided you some New LightInvited You to Celebrate YourSelf & People

Take Care, Be Well
Feel Loved & Be Blessed

Thank You to Generously
Share this Knowledge Easy to Apply

It can Change Lives & Generate a Positive Impact
to anyone that wants to have greater Relationships
& the Ones who Feel at the end of their rope
for a temporary moment … or now for a long time.

You want to Know more about me, my Journey & my Background
Read my Bio


There will Be a Series of Audio Guided Sessions released this Year, so You can have more Help, Support & Empowerment for Your Journey, Overcoming … Blocks, Challenges & Feeling Lost, Stuck or Confuse with Your Emotions, Feelings, Inner Critic, Self-Expression.


Next Week We …

Meet Your Inner Critic ?
Blame directed Inside or Outside







This content is for educational purpose only, if you have any Mental Health issues, please do reach out to a professional & get the support, care you need.

It can allow you to move through everything you experience, much more easier & faster in your healing journey, mental health care process.

You deserve to receive the right support for you to feel better & healthy.



Art Serve Awakening

My Name is Shakti. I am Addicted to Colors & Paints. Passionate Soul. Certified « Master Painter » Art-Therapy Instructor Facilitator . 2001–2006 . Pune . India