The Seven Evolving Phases of Artificial Intelligence

An Excursion through the AI Spectrum

Art Mikullovci
4 min readJul 15, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed our world at an astounding pace. It’s like a vast ocean, and we’re just beginning to navigate its depths.

7 Stages of AI and their representation

To appreciate its complexity, let’s embark on a journey through the seven distinct stages of AI, from its simplest forms to the mind-boggling prospects of superintelligence and singularity.

Stage 1: Rule-based AI Systems — The Infancy of AI

Picture playing chess against a computer. Every move it makes, every strategy it deploys, is governed by a predefined set of rules, its algorithm. This is the earliest stage of AI — rule-based systems. They are excellent at tasks with clear-cut rules, like diagnosing mechanical issues or processing tax forms. But their capacity to learn or adapt is nonexistent, and their decisions are only as good as the rules they’ve been given.

Stage 2: Context Awareness and Retention Systems — AI’s Adolescent Years

Stepping beyond rule-based AI, we find systems capable of understanding and retaining context. Like your smartphone assistant, Siri or Google Assistant, these AI systems remember past interactions and use that knowledge to shape future responses. If you ask who won the soccer game yesterday and then ask when their next match is, the system understands that “their” refers to the soccer team from your previous question. These systems are like teenagers in the AI development stages, beginning to understand context but still far from independent thinking.

Stage 3: Domain-specific Mastery Systems — AI as a Specialist

Next, we reach a level where AI becomes a master in a specific field. Imagine IBM’s Watson, designed to excel at answering questions on the quiz show ‘Jeopardy’, or Google’s DeepMind AlphaGo, which trained to master the complex board game ‘Go’ to the point of defeating world champions. These AI systems are the adults in the room, demonstrating sophisticated abilities within their specialized fields.

Stage 4: Thinking and Reasoning AI Systems — AI as a Thinker

Crossing into stage four, we start to see AI systems beginning to mimic human capacity for thinking and reasoning. They don’t just follow rules or retain context; they simulate human thought processes. Imagine an AI system reading a book, understanding the plot, and inferring characters’ motives based on their actions. Or, consider it analyzing economic data, anticipating market trends, and suggesting investment strategies. It’s like a highly advanced tool, specialized in reasoning and thinking tasks.

Stage 5: The Birth of a New Mind — Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

As we step into the realm of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), we’re entering a world of AI that, for now, remains largely theoretical. An AGI system would be capable of understanding, learning, adapting, and implementing knowledge across a broad range of tasks, just like a human. It would possess self-awareness, consciousness, and the ability to understand and navigate the world. However, AGI remains a concept and hasn’t been achieved yet. It’s the frontier of AI research, and it’s also where things start to get controversial.

Stage 6: Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) — When AI Outshines Humanity

Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is a level of AI that surpasses human cognitive skills. This AI could solve problems that humans can’t, innovating in ways we can’t even imagine. It could potentially provide insights into the mysteries of the universe that are currently beyond our comprehension. However, the advent of ASI also brings a host of ethical and safety concerns, raising fundamental questions about power, control, and the nature of intelligence and consciousness.

Stage 7: The AI Singularity

Finally, we encounter the AI Singularity, a hypothetical future point when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, leading to unforeseeable changes to human civilization.

The Singularity represents a point where an ASI is not only smarter than humans but also capable of continually improving itself far beyond human capability. This concept is highly speculative and controversial, taking us into the realm of the unknown.

Through this journey, we have seen the incredible potential of AI and the challenges it raises. As we look to the future, one thing is certain: the role of AI in our world will only continue to grow.

