College Face

Artasia Clark
3 min readNov 1, 2016


Ever since I can remember I’ve always dreamed of someday being a college graduate. I’ve never understood how you could become anything without a college degree, I’ve seen it happen and I knew that I couldn’t be successful without one. I used to search up everything and anything I could find about being successful in the terrible world of America. I cannot forget to mention I am a minority. People even told me stories and gave opinions of life as a college student but those people didn’t get a real opportunity to see it for themselves. I want to give highlights of the life of a college student, the fun times, boring times, tiring times and the free times which are very rare.

I’m not trying to say that in these pictures I will capture every moment of the college life but I will try my best to give my view of the life style. I wouldn’t want anyone to waste their time going to a university, which costs more, when they can go to a community college. When I was choosing, people were always telling me, “you have to go to a university that’s the only way you’ll get the college experience and the freshman life.” I my opinion I would have been going just fine if I would of went to a community college, but since I didn’t I can give incoming students the choice. I don’t regret coming to a university but I do feel that I could have saved money if I did go to my community college, which is super important to me.

I would like to show my counterarguments threw picture. Ideas like, “college is easy if you just do the work”, that I completely not true in my opinion. There are plenty of things that are mandatory that you do for you to just pass with a “c”. What I do believe is that when you go to college, if you go, you’ll then think of high school as if you just got out of elementary. That statement should give you my view of college threw a realistic idea that high school was just the basics to get you ready for something you can’t imagine. You cannot forget that everyone sees things in their own way, so hopefully some incoming students will love Texas State and if not, hopefully they can find somewhere that they do love. In my pictures, I will try my best to give the reader my view of college, in hope to help them make their own decision in choosing future educational steps.

This picture shows the day after day study and commitment to homework. It is very important that you always do your homework, study and prepare for class if you would like to succeed. I choose to take this picture the way I did because it give direct juxtaposition to the computer screen and hand placed on it shows interaction, probably typing since the screen shows a essay. This is a close up because I wanted to show one of the most important resources students need to do homework in this time. The perspective is a frontal angle because i wanted the focus to be on the laptop itself.
This shows the early mornings of a college student, there are times when you have earlier classes but for the sake of my schedule and time I took this on my way to class. You can also see the there are lines of sight coming from the two students connecting to the numbers which show the time, also from them the brick tiles on the ground and the rails. This is a narrative representation because they are walking on a campus and you can infer that they are probably going to something productive, also known by their backpacks. I took this at a frontal angle also because they are the main focus of this picture and the time adds significance.
This is your typical day on campus, the study groups are what you make of it. This picture depicts a group study on campus, they seem to be enjoying the study that they are having. They have there books out and it seems as if they are having a quiz with the study, which is always fun. This is my favorite picture because although only two of my pictures are staged, this one is not one of them. I used composition by centering the action in the middle and so your eyes can travel around the picture. I used interaction and figures basically because of their facial expressions, objects held and their gestures. For my perspective I took this at a low angle just to kind of praise there actions, also because my location when I took it wasn’t on the same level as they are.
In this picture I wanted to show what some students are allowed to do o theirs free time. Since students don’t get their full 8 hours of sleep that we need, we have to find times to rest. I took this picture to get both students showing the differences in people. Personally, I like to go eat during my free time and maybe look over some notes. This picture wasn’t staged. I wanted to capture the overall shot without showing to much surrounding student involvement so in zoomed in a bit. This is a conceptual representation because this picture is their state of being, this was them being natural, action less and it doesn’t show much action.
Plenty people, not only students, will tell you that having a job during school is hard, but there are plenty students who enjoy their job. I didn’t get the chance to get his name but before the picture he informed me that his job is pretty laid back. For the sake of my essay I asked him to pretend to type to give action and interaction. I also cropped out some of the people so he could be the main focus but so there could also be a background.
There is always something to do on campus, you just have to find something you enjoy. I used to play volleyball so I will always enjoy a game. I went to support my fellow bobcats and it took my mind off the homework and stress that I had built up. This picture was taken at a high angle because I was in the stands with the rest of the crowd, to show involvement. This picture really explains itself when it comes to what going to happen next. Their uniform show symbolism, because volleyball players usually have the basic knee pads and ankle support tennis or an ankle supporter.
After a long day of being on campus you get the chance to go home and relax and most likely study for your classes in the future. I chose to take this picture because it shows the potential soothing ride after a long day of campus life. The guy in front of me was actually running to the bus which was pulling up showing the relief, which is why he is kind of blurry. i actually edited this picture to bring more light to the bus and the student in front of me. I took this from a front angle perspective because frontal picture always show involvement in the picture and me as a student i am directly involved in all of my pictures in some way. This picture is also a narrative representation.
As a student at any college i feel it is important that someone is on the outside cheering you on. It shows that someone cares for you, that you have a support system. College is hard and without these people most people would give up. This picture shows my mother in her “Texas State Mama” shirt, supporting me. This was originally a video but I took a screen shot of this because she is my biggest supporter and its hard to show support in a picture without action towards the supported. It was taken at a low angle only because she is my mother and she is, so to say, above me. In this picture although she is supporting me she is also still in charge and on her pedestal. My distance shows that I am close to her and we do share and important relationship. Her shirt shows figures and what’s printed on it is important because it gives a depiction of object.

