Announcing Artela Open Source and DevNet Upgrade

Artela Network
3 min readNov 14, 2023

Today, we’re thrilled to announce a major milestone in our journey to be a community-driven and sustainable blockchain network — Artela’s codebase is now fully open-source!

In conjunction with the open-source release, we have completed the second-phase upgrade of our Devnet. As we move closer to the full public release of our testnet in the coming months, we invite developers to take an early look at our in-progress DevNet. You can now begin building modular dApps on the Artela blockchain, taking advantage of the Aspect Programming framework’s unique capabilities.

We are eager to invite the community to actively participate in shaping the future of Artela, so if you’re a web3 developer or looking to become one — join our Discord to learn more about how you can add core functionality to any existing L1 with Artela!

Open Source: The Cornerstone of Community-Driven Development

Open-source development and collaboration lays at the very foundations of Artela — both as a business and a product. Opening our codebase to the developer public is the first of many steps we’re planning to ensure Artela will be a community-driven network.

Open-sourcing our code not only fosters trust and transparency within the community, but also empowers developers to contribute directly to the project’s development. We believe that the Artela community — the people and teams that support, use, and build on Artela blockchain — should be integral to the development and success of Artela. However, this also means that we are taking a risk by an sharing unfinished and unpolished product.

The release today will serve as a starting point for the Artela community to build on, and we plan to use this devnet to aggregate the best ideas from a growing community of value-aligned developers to continually iterate upon and improve the Artela codebase.

DevNet Upgrade: Unleashing the Power of Aspects

We first launched our devnet privately in September 2023, along with our MVP version of aspect programming. In the past three months, we have published the Aspect programming whitepaper and iterated continuously based on early developer feedback. Today, we are thrilled to announce a significant update for Aspect programming!

This update improves over 70% of Aspect features such as Aspect interoperability with EVM, Just-In-Time Call, and the complete Aspect execution model described in the whitepaper. Major highlights of this release include:

  1. Full support for Smart Contract Runtime Protection, adding Web2-level risk control to your DeFi projects
  2. Using Aspect to enable on-chain intent-centric protocols. E.g. extending LimitOrder functionality to your AMM
  3. Adding Just-In-Time MEV, Just-In-Time MEV Liquidity, and other features to your DeFi contracts
  4. Enabling on-chain event-driven programming, adding automated system tasks and system roles to fully on-chain games

We encourage developers to explore the possibilities of Aspects and think creatively about how they can be used to build innovative dApps that have not been possible before. We’ve created a sample Aspect and document to help you get started.

Artela Developer Portal is Ready to Use!

To support our growing community of builders, we have launched a comprehensive developer portal. This hub provides a wealth of resources, including the draft Aspect Programming whitepaper, detailed documentation, quick start guides, APIs, and more.

We’re still in the process of populating and polishing our documents, so please bear with us while we make this the best we possibly can for everyone!

Contribute to Artela

We launched the [contribute-to-artela](<>) repository to encourage open collaboration and ensure the community’s voice is heard! We invite everyone to contribute their suggestions, fixes, and ideas. Some ways you could contribute include:

  • Implementing a new Aspect use case
  • Suggesting a feature
  • Identifying a bug
  • Proposing a new Aspect use case idea
  • Revising the documentation
  • Suggesting an ecosystem partner

We welcome and reward contributions of all kinds, so keep an eye out for our upcoming plan contribution rewards plan. We really want to stress that even small contributions can have a significant impact on the development of and success of Artela. We need you!

Artela has been building the modular future of Web3 for almost a year, and will be launching a public Testnet for all builders in the coming months! Keep up to date by following Artela on Twitter and joining our Discord.

