What is ChatGPT?

1 min readJan 12, 2023


ChatGPT is a natural language processing framework that allows developers to build chatbots with human-like conversational capabilities. It is an open-source project developed by the Hugging Face team. ChatGPT is powered by an unsupervised artificial neural network called a GPT-2 model, trained on large datasets of social media conversations. The model is designed to improve upon natural language processing tasks such as text classification, language modeling, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and more. ChatGPT enables the development of conversational agents capable of holding natural conversations. Conversations can be tailored to the customer by leveraging multiple dialog management strategies, such as rule-based, retrieval-based and generative dialog. Additionally, ChatGPT allows for the addition of custom components, such as acquired semantic processing for gaining deeper insight into the conversation. With ChatGPT, developers can quickly create sophisticated conversational agents for many applications, including customer service bots, virtual agents, and conversational applications for messaging platforms.

