Artem Chyhyrynskyi
5 min readMay 27, 2022
Artem Chyhyrynskyi. 3D marketing | AR | VR | Metaverse | 3D
Artem Chyhyrynskyi. 3D marketing | AR | VR | Metaverse | 3D

Business generates more profit when it integrates new trending technologies into its manufacturing and marketing strategies.

Brand-to-consumer is the most important bridge for a company, which constantly needs to be imbued with visual and technological innovations that can hold the attention of customers and instill their loyalty.

3D marketing will help with this, as a new direction that combines technology, marketing, blockchain, content, and in this combination creates an excellent opportunity for a business to attract new customers and earn money.

NFT. BLOCKCHAIN. AR. VR. METAVERSE. All the most trendy terms in one — 3D marketing!😍

3D marketing is the use of digital content in the creation and promotion of a product. Digital content refers to 2D or 3D graphics that help, entertain and keep the customer’s attention on the product in a simple way. This creates a new form of added value and a great opportunity to attract new customers.

3D marketing | AR | VR | Metaverse | 3D
Immersive consumer

Why does a business need to implement 3D marketing?

The modern consumer is an immersive consumer. He wants an INTERACTION with the product. He wants to DIVE into the product. It is important for an immersive consumer to satisfy their needs with the help of immersive goods. It is no longer enough for him to look at the product in the picture in the online store in order to make a final decision about the purchase — he wants to try on this product processor at home in a real form and real size in TWO CLICKS in 30 seconds. It is no longer enough for him just to imagine what his future apartment will be like, when he can immerse himself in virtual reality and see the quality of the walls, floor and admire the view from the window in 360. It is no longer enough for him to learn from printed books when he can literally interact with the content in the learning process.

3D marketing | AR | VR | Metaverse | 3D
Immersive goods with AR try on

61% of customers prefer online stores that offer augmented reality experiences. Product pages offering AR and 3D experiences resulted in a 13% increase in average order size and a 21% increase in revenue per visit (Retail Customer Experience and BigCommerce data)

Today, business on the one hand, and the consumer on the other, deals with augmented and virtual reality, metaverse, NFT and blockchain. From the standpoint of the consumer, all this can be combined in one big word — IMMERSIVE. From a business standpoint — CONTENT-TECHNOLOGY.

39% of large global organizations use VR/AR technologies to facilitate learning in simulated environments and thereby significantly reduce the cost of training employees and improve their skills faster ( Source )

In parallel with the real sector of goods and services, there is a growth in the creation, use and purchase / sale of digital content with the involvement of consumers in digital gamification. At the heart of all this lies the blockchain, where digital gamification means the growing popularity of the concept of the metaverse, and the basis of the purchase / sale of digital content is non-fungible NFT tokens.

Are you not there yet?!
Your business has already lost several million dollars!🤑

Today, more than ever, digital, gaming and the real world are closely connected.

Immersiveness invites the consumer to mix the real world with elements of the game, immerse themselves in socio-economic processes and financial transactions in a digital environment. For businesses, this means that it is necessary to look for opportunities to promote and sell their products not only on the shelves of a physical store, but also in a virtual one. So, it is no longer enough for shoe manufacturers to sell 100 million pairs of sneakers a year in their retail chains. Marketing needs to be tuned so that at least 10 million more pairs of sneakers are sold as NFTs, since people spent at least $200 million on metaverse items in 2021 alone. And the manufacturers of these items are real businesses, not gamers or 3D designers.

3D marketing | AR | VR | Metaverse | 3D
Immersive AR NFT good

The Metaverse is a new digital marketplace for business, where only 3D marketing laws work!✅

3D marketing enables businesses to:

  • Create visual 3D tools with which the consumer tries on the product at home or at work in real shape and real size in 30 seconds.
  • Earn funds by digitizing your products or services and enter new markets to sell your products or services (in digital content or assets view) in the metaverse or other digital environment.
  • Create loyalty programs using 3D content that involve the consumer in interaction with the product and thereby increase contact time and repeat purchases.
  • Create virtual digital worlds (metaverse) and involve consumers in them.
  • Educate your customer, employee or student in an interactive, engaging way.
  • Immerse the consumer in the past or future by creating a 3D world in virtual reality.

Marketing and economics are taking on a new form, the main attribute of which is 3D and IMMERSIVENESS👌

Immersiveness is expressed by the content with which the client interacts. At the heart of all the tools and in general the effectiveness of creating 3D marketing campaigns is 3D production and programming. 3D Production provides the development, creation and graphic rendering of all content that creates the very immersiveness, immersion and involvement of the consumer in the product or service of the brand. Programming, in turn, ensures the operability of the tool and the possibility of simple use by the consumer of the content.

3D marketing tools that a business can use in their strategy:

  1. Augmented reality technology.
  2. Virtual reality technology.
  3. Metaverse space. Creating your own gaming meta-space or using existing meta-platforms to sell your goods or services there.
  4. NFT. Creation of your product in a visual-digital form and its subsequent sale using a non-fungible token.
  5. Gamification. Involving the consumer in game mechanics with the brand.
3D marketing tools. AR | VR | NFT | Metaverse | Gamification
3D marketing tools


3D marketing is a completely new form of marketing for attracting and retaining customers who need immersive ways to meet their needs. That is why more and more commercial organizations are already using or planning to introduce immersive virtual or augmented reality technologies into their business.


This is the first article in my blog series about 3D marketing on

I will be glad to discuss! 👌

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3D marketing | AR | VR | Metaverse | 3D
Artem Chyhyrynskyi. 3D marketing | AR | VR | Metaverse | 3D



Artem Chyhyrynskyi

I write and dream about 3D MARKETING | Augmented and Virtual Reality | Metaverse