Prefiguration + Color

Paul McLean
1 min readNov 26, 2018


EGS #78

A sketch (2D) is a prime utility for the artist, especially for the artist who works in a concept2object mode. Prefiguration is an element in effective design, a facilitation tool that helps with problem solving and avoidance, but also contributes to visualization of possible outcomes. As such, the sketch exists in the realms of the estimate and of fancy. When the artist colors the 2D sketch, another layer of potentiality is established. The coloring of the sketch settles the form in a defining “world.” Color is defining, and the irony of hue is its capacity for both abstraction and specificity. Repetition of color, its pattern feature, introduces the conceptual for light-spectrum or visible aesthetics. The concept prime for light-color is expectation related to the cyclic. This point or light (color) form event in the spectrum of the possibly visible actually coincides with sonic phenomena, as a function of circularity.

