Herbal Treatments For Lower Back Pain Relief

Arthritis Plus Gel
3 min readSep 30, 2016


Nowadays, back pain is a very common problem. There are several reasons which can cause lower back pain. You may face lower back pain due to muscle strain or due to ligament sprain or if you have any kind of bone problem. The most common causes of your back pain can be poor posture, fracture, improper weight lifting, obesity and bad sleeping habit. There are several ways to get over your lower back pain, but you should always go for herbal treatment for your lower back pain which will not have any adverse effect on your body.

What To Do When You Are Having Lower Back Pain?

When you are having a lower back pain first, you need to understand the cause why you are having lower back pain. When you are suffering from lower back pain, you can take complete rest, and also you can avoid lifting heavy weights which will help you in a great way to get over your back pain.

When you work under stressful environment, it causes several psychological and physiological changes so you should not be stressed. You should get proper sleep.

You should also check your body weight if you’re overweight that causes several health issues.

Bad posture is also one of the reasons for your lower back pain. If you are a working professional, then you might have to sit for a long time. In that case you need to sit straight and also you can take a break in between.

When you are having lower back pain, you can avoid doing all these things.

Herbal Treatments For Lower Back Pain

You can follow these herbal remedies, and it will definitely help you to overcome your pain.

Massage Oil: Massage therapy works great on your back pain. There are several herbal massage oils which you can use when you are having lower back pain. When you massage your affected area, then you will definitely get some relief. You can also try hot and cold therapy; it reduces inflammation and also relieves you. You just need to do it for 20 minutes it will work perfectly on your pain.

Herbal Medicine: You can take herbal medicine which has no side effects on your body, and also your back pain problem will be solved within the shortest period.

Turmeric: Turmeric has several health benefits; you can consume turmeric, which will cure your lower back pain. It works against inflammation and pain.

Ginger: Many studies have shown that the ginger extract helps in muscle and joint pain as it contains phytochemicals though you should not consume it in great quantity.

You should always go for such treatment which has no side effects on your body. You should always follow healthy practices. You should do regular exercises which will help you to stay healthy and fit. When you follow all these practices regularly, it will definitely prevent your body from getting affected from back Pain. These herbal treatments will not only solve your existing back pain problem, but also prevent your body to get affected from getting any kind of back pain.

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Arthritis Plus Gel

Dr J.I’s Arthritis Plus Gel” which is formulated by a Board Certified Neurologist. Arthritis Plus Gel not only works for arthritis, but also for pain.