Art Ocain — How Technology is Shaping the World and How we can Contribute into it

Arthur Ocain
2 min readDec 31, 2021

The world is divided into groups of two, the givers and receivers, or seller or consumers, each operation or decision that has been made is an act that could be performed to satisfy clients or consumers or customers.

While talking to Mr. Art Ocain we understood a lot of complexities, about how technology is helpful in determining the fate of our civilization, so for all of you who have decided to be the Superheroes of this century, we present you the top three Skills that you must have in order to get the best deal for your career.

Art Ocain
Art Ocain — How Technology is Shaping the World

Learn How To Code: If there’s any superpower in today’s world then coding is at the top of the ladder now, people can start to learn coding and choose the language depending on the products that they would like to develop, be it an E-commerce website of Application, in order to do that all you need to do is to make sure, you are into the right hands of the mentor.

Art Ocain — How Technology is Shaping the World and How we can Contribute into it

Build Up on Logical Reasoning: In a survey it was found out that more than 70% of people left coding in the first three months and the most popular reason was SYNTEX, learning about the syntax is the not the base of languages as a lot of people are thinking the other way around and in order to do that you got to understand the deal about the Logic and not the syntax.

To Sum Up:
We hope you had a great time going through our write up and will surely understand the points that we have mentioned in here, all the points are extremely important in helping you to learn more about coding and how you can learn it, you can build the foundation, understand the points that are critical in learning process and will eventually improve the skill. Hope you would get inspired and start building the product you always dreamy of.



Arthur Ocain

Arthur Ocain is a thinker and business leader specializing in process improvement, IT, and cyber security.