arthur lecuyer
2 min readJun 15, 2017


Wow what a paragon of virtue you’re becoming. Not!

After reading the above, I could read no further because I already knew every self indulgent flagellation, every supposed new insight, each newly acquired virtuous aspiration and each and every nonsensical machination to prove your whiteness is worthy of praise for the virtue of moral righteousness rather than condemnation for the sin of the immoral degradation of your whiteness. Yours is a cancer of mental deficiency masked by your emotional certaintude.

So let me fix this for you so you might understand the truth. Self knowledge is power. Everything else is an excuse to minimize the power to run your own life and to rob you of your worthiness, your God given liberty and your own individuality.

I’ve been learning to depersonalize my racism in order to take responsibility for it.

What you’re really saying is:

I’ve been allowing propaganda and indoctrination to depersonalize my perceived racism in order to take responsibility for acts and deeds I have never committed nor that I have ever condoned.

Think about it. Not from some moral hilltop but from some reasoned, thoughtful understanding of what you can control and what you have done. Be honest with yourself. Logically not emotionally. What racist acts have you ever committed? How about thoughts? Have you ever honestly meant harm or ill will against POC? How about Muslims? Native Americans?

If you’re truly rational and honest, the answer is No, I am not racist. So, now you should know that, you don’t need to justify your existence thru virtue signaling to anyone that you’re pure of heart.

The only person you need to justify your existence to is yourself. And perhaps, if you’re so inclined, a Deity which some would call God.



arthur lecuyer

A 60 year old libertarian autodidact, teaching himself economics. Particularly those of the Classical and Austrian variety.