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How To Read in the Age of the Smartphone

Arthur Van Siclen
The Startup


Civilization evolves. Technology changes. Languages shift, merge, and diverge. New mediums arrive, old mediums disappear. This is life: constant change.

Skills we once possessed need to be augmented, adapted, and refreshed as our cultures change. I noticed — over the last year, as an adult with a smartphone — that I had to re-learn how to read.

These are the tips I came across in that process. The focus is on medium-length prose in the age of the iPhone. My goal is for these tips to enhance your reading experience, as they have mine.

Be Deliberate. Be Aspirational.

Instead of reading a story on the spot while browsing the Internet, I recommend adding the link to a reading list. Next, only dive into the reading list when you can truly focus.

This reading-list approach sets a foundation that allows a reader to be deliberate about how they read. Its an act of taking control of the process: it’s less reactionary or ad-hoc, an intentional system that allows for feedback and strategic optimizations.

I found that a managed reading list naturally excludes click-bait by enabling me to be aspirational about the kinds of stories I read and then following through with those aspirations.

