Ways to promote healthy lifestyle in kids

Arthur Tkachenko
2 min readApr 22, 2018


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The biggest concern of today’s parents is the apple of their eye refuses to have even a bite of apple! The youth today is under intense obesity.

More than one in two adults and nearly one in six children are overweight or obese.

Although these facts are not new, yet the youth has associated good lifestyle with being boring. Here are a few tricks that can help your kids grow a liking towards a healthy lifestyle.


Use the competitive streak in your kids for their benefits.

Push them to play often. This does not mean you ask them to play while you are busy on the phone. Be a part. Walk out of the house and cheer them when they play. Now if you are the only parent doing so, it would embarrass your child. So meet up with the families of your child’s friends and collectively support it.

Use peer pressure the right way

Kids tend to replicate their peers.

But except for school there is no place where children could find out what their friends are doing. The smart way here is to use the internet. Use lists like Groceristar and ask friends to share their lists. When kids would look at how moms of their friends are feeding them buckets of food, it becomes hard for them to say no to you!

Explain. Don’t force

Sorry mom and dad but I am too cool to take orders.

Kids don’t want to be dictated. They simply want to understand. Don’t answer their questions with “do it because I said so”. Give them the reason as to why to do what to do. When they feel what they are doing is right, you would not need to run behind them.

Are you a lover of good health? If yes, read here.

Created for Groceristar company by Advita Bihani — Intense reader, passionate writer, curious communicator.

You can take a look at her website or reach her at Linkedin

