Will it be a stealth startup if i’ll explain what i plan to do?

Arthur Tkachenko
Published in
6 min readDec 7, 2017
So stealth, so startup, so uncompleted

I think no :)

Long story short: I’m building a platform for recipe creators and other people, related to food. I think that this is my aim.
But I’m pretty sure that idea will evolve in future.

Right now it’s a different project that i have in my head.

I plan to convert options below into modules that will become a big & complex platform, build like puzzle or Frankenstein

Dry details or what was done(completed or in-progress parts).

Let’s assume that I’ll made them online available — what you’ll be able to see and touch.

#1 Recipes App

✔️ Release #1 completed(Free Menu)

Build with: Angular, Ionic Framework v.1

Note: soon I’ll redo an app from scratch.

Note: yep, any junior can do an app with similar complexity — not a rocket science :)

Basic functionality:

  • Screen with recipes list
  • Recipe details
  • Basic grocery list
  • Login screen.

#2 Stripe subscriptions dashboard

Was created by Eddy

In a few previous projects we have a problems with recurring events, so I pick Stripe at this time in order to simplicity. I cloned an open repo and update packages, change routes, make it better by my opinion.

✔️ Release #1 completed

Basic functionality:

  • Sign up process
  • Pick a plan + Billing
  • View profile + Billing settings
  • Switch subscription plan
  • Subscribe / unsubscribe Note: User sensitive data not stored on our server for security reasons

Note: in later releases, i want to enable Recurly integration — because it’s better. It’s not free. Will work only for a big clients

#3 An API for meal planning Apps(simple version)

Swagger explorer. Each section contain list of endpoints

My main goal was to create a simple tool that any can use in order to setup a recipe based website. Any person that has credentials can use our data(imported to database) or store data in our database no matter of programming language.

✔️ Release #0 completed.

✔️ Release #1 started. Partially completed by option#9

✔️ Release #3 completed. In order to have ability to test option#10

Basic functionality:

  • Authentification
  • Database scheme (simple version + tables related to search functionality)
  • Save data into DB. Data manipulations.

Build with: Node.js Foundation, ExpressJs, Loopback Framework v.3

#4 Simple Finance Tracking tool(expense tracking)

  • How much family spend per week? How to meet financial goals, etc.

✔️ Research stage completed.

#5 Meal Planning App(2nd generation of option #1)

Build with:

  • React Native
  • Data can be stored as JSON or call server from option#3
  • For UI we will use some creative and free ui template — react based

Formed a team. Creating a long-term project management plan. Release #0 will mimic and kill option#1 (Thanks to god!)

#6 Simple admin dashboard (without options to configure).

Main feature -> add a recipe to database. Drag them into Weekly Menu. Publish, send weekly menu notifications. Maybe upload images, but i’m lazy to do it myself.

✔️ Release #1 can be completed after binding with option#3 API calls and data

I think I must use Forest. I follow this company last few years and Sandro Munda did a great job. As i lazy and can be bored by coding ‘adminca’ again — this will be my timesaver. You can read more about it here: https://medium.com/into-the-forest

#7 API Documentation

It’s not completed — i told you

In order to provide API services or give ability people to call your API we must have a good and understandable documentation. Right now this documentation is a mess, not completed, can be extended. But I change my API a lot of time, so maybe when we’ll bump some serious release — i’ll finish this it. I use Apiary and looks better than Swagger :) And it backed by Oracle. So it’s really cool.

✔️ I think that Release #0 of this documentation is completed. And it’s easy to add data related to Release #1 and Release #2 — because i have similar data generated by Loopback Framework(baked by IBM) and Swagger

#8 Project Management Plan

Yeah, bad titles, I know

For each of this projects, I have created: step-by-step plan, split tasks for milestones, and moved not finished tasks to backlog. Trying to simplify things, manage myself, interns & try to work better. Made this approach working for me. But still trying to hack it and improve.

Using Asana, GitHub, Slack, Gmail for my routine.

✔️ Stage 2: For at least 2 projects PM work was done 3 month ago

#9 Grocery list(Shopping list)

yep, todo list, junior complexity

This is ma baby:) It’s the only one project that was completed and visible online. It’s a web app only.

Basic functionality:

  • Simple add / list / edit / Delete categories and items
  • All code and structure are from my head or by my googling skills.
  • Have simple API, can be combined with mobile app
  • Facebook Auth
  • Core is Loopback API
  • Ultimate Grocery List template was imported for easy cloning

✔️ Release #0 completed

✔️ Release #1 completed

✔ Now I want to separate frontend and backend — cause it messy. Other 2 big goals — clean up code (Release 1.3) and extend our library of grocery list templates. Trying to use Machine Learning in order to add +100 templates

#10 Advanced search functionality

I was inspired by this code repo. It looks cool, open sourced and call an outside API.

We recreating it from scratch, using React.

✔ Research finished

✔ Release #0 in process it can be fully operational soon, because we can send an api calls and get a real result from Recipe API server

✔ Release #1 will be about design and optimization API requests

#11 Unit conversions (research stage)

I really know how it can be a huge pain for developers, db architect, rather than how to make it simple, not buggy and awesome. But i’ll convert that knowledge into a npm library

#12 Data parsing(deep research stage with previous completed functionality knowledge)

I think i find a good way to do it. I didn’t want to create it from scratch so i’ll borrow code that New York Times was open sourced.

