How to Deal with Pet Policies: Missouri Laws for Landlords

4 min readJul 21, 2023


As a landlord in Missouri, understanding how to navigate pet policies is essential to strike a balance between accommodating tenants’ needs and protecting your property. Many renters consider their pets as part of the family, and as such, accommodating them can attract responsible and long-term tenants.

However, it is crucial to approach pet policies with caution to avoid potential issues and damages that may arise. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how Missouri landlords can effectively deal with pet policies, ensuring a harmonious relationship with pet-owning tenants while staying within the bounds of the law.

Photo by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash

1. Research Local Pet Regulations

Before setting your pet policies, conduct thorough research on the specific pet regulations and ordinances in your city or county. Some areas in Missouri may have additional restrictions or requirements concerning pet ownership, such as breed-specific legislation or licensing. Familiarizing yourself with these local laws will help you create pet policies that are compliant with all applicable regulations.

2. Designate Pet-Friendly Properties

Decide whether you want to make your rental properties pet-friendly or if you prefer to maintain a no-pets policy. Allowing pets can broaden your pool of potential tenants, but it’s essential to evaluate the impact on your property and any potential concerns, such as noise complaints or property damage. If you choose to be pet-friendly, establish clear guidelines on the types and sizes of pets allowed.

3. Create a Pet Agreement Addendum

To formalize your pet policies, consider adding a pet agreement addendum to your standard lease agreement. This addendum should include specific terms related to pet ownership, such as the number of pets allowed, breed restrictions (if any), and requirements for vaccinations and licensing. Additionally, outline the tenant’s responsibilities for pet care, waste disposal, and any potential consequences for non-compliance.

4. Implement Pet Screening

Implementing a pet screening process can help you gauge the suitability of potential pet-owning tenants. This process may include asking for references from previous landlords, conducting behavioral assessments of the pet, and verifying vaccination records. By thoroughly screening both tenants and their pets, you can make informed decisions and ensure responsible pet ownership.

5. Charge Pet Fees or Deposits

To protect your property from potential damages caused by pets, consider charging pet fees or deposits. These fees can be used to cover any cleaning or repair costs related to pet-related wear and tear. Missouri law allows landlords to charge reasonable pet deposits, but it is essential to adhere to the state’s limitations on the total amount of security deposits and how they are handled.

6. Comply with Fair Housing Laws

While you have the right to establish pet policies, it is crucial to comply with fair housing laws. According to the Fair Housing Act, landlords cannot discriminate against tenants based on disability, and this includes service and emotional support animals. If a tenant requires an assistance animal due to a disability, you are required to make reasonable accommodations, even if you have a no-pets policy.

7. Address Pet-Related Complaints Promptly

In a pet-friendly rental property, there may be instances where other tenants or neighbors raise complaints related to pets, such as excessive noise or unleashed animals. As a responsible landlord, it’s essential to address these issues promptly and fairly. Communicate with the pet-owning tenant about the complaint and take appropriate action, if necessary, to maintain a peaceful living environment for all residents.

8. Renew Pet Agreements Annually

Pet agreements should be reviewed and renewed on an annual basis. This allows you to reassess the tenant’s compliance with the pet policies and address any changes or concerns that may have arisen during the tenancy. Renewing the pet agreement annually helps ensure that all parties remain aware of their responsibilities and reinforces the importance of responsible pet ownership.

9. Consider Pet Liability Insurance

To add an extra layer of protection, consider requiring tenants with pets to carry pet liability insurance. This type of insurance can provide coverage in the event that the tenant’s pet causes injury to someone or damages the property. Requiring pet liability insurance can give you peace of mind and further mitigate potential financial risks.


Navigating pet policies as a landlord in Missouri requires a thoughtful and informed approach. By understanding the nuances of Missouri rental laws and conducting thorough research on local pet regulations, you can establish pet policies that strike a balance between accommodating tenants with pets and protecting your property.

Creating a comprehensive pet agreement addendum, implementing a pet screening process, and addressing pet-related issues promptly are crucial steps in fostering a harmonious and responsible pet-owning environment. Remember, being compliant with fair housing laws and considering pet liability insurance can further safeguard your interests as a landlord. With these strategies in place, you can confidently manage pet policies and create a positive rental experience for both tenants and their beloved animal companions.




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