Modern UI libraries for WinForms C# | Syncfusion | Material Skin | Metro UI

3 min read6 days ago

There are several new NuGet packages that can help you design modern desktop applications in WinForms. Here are some popular ones, along with examples of how to use them:


Description: MaterialSkin is a library for bringing Google’s Material Design principles to Windows Forms applications. It provides a modern look and feel, making your application visually appealing and consistent with contemporary UI standards.

Key Features:

  • Material Design Components: Buttons, text fields, switches, sliders, and more.
  • Themes: Light and dark themes with customizable color schemes.
  • Typography: Follows Material Design typography standards.

Usage Example: To use MaterialSkin, install the package via NuGet:

Install-Package MaterialSkin
using MaterialSkin;
using MaterialSkin.Controls;

public partial class MainForm : MaterialForm
private MaterialSkinManager materialSkinManager;

public MainForm()
materialSkinManager = MaterialSkinManager.Instance;
materialSkinManager.Theme = MaterialSkinManager.Themes.LIGHT;
materialSkinManager.ColorScheme = new ColorScheme(
Primary.Blue600, Primary.Blue700,
Primary.Blue200, Accent.LightBlue200,


Description: ModernUI (also known as MetroFramework) is a library that provides a set of modern UI controls for Windows Forms applications. It mimics the Metro design language introduced by Microsoft.

Key Features:

  • Metro-style Controls: Buttons, tiles, progress bars, and more.
  • Themes and Styles: Light and dark themes with customizable color options.
  • Layout Management: Easy layout management for creating responsive UIs.

Usage Example: To use ModernUI, install the package via NuGet:

Install-Package ModernUI
using ModernUI.Forms;
using ModernUI.Controls;

public partial class MainForm : MetroForm
public MainForm()
var metroButton = new MetroButton
Text = "Click Me",
Location = new Point(20, 20)


Description: LiveCharts is a flexible and powerful charting library for .NET that provides a variety of chart types and interactive features for data visualization.

Key Features:

  • Chart Types: Line charts, bar charts, pie charts, and more.
  • Interactivity: Tooltips, animations, and zooming.
  • Customization: Extensive options for customizing the appearance and behavior of charts.

Usage Example: To use LiveCharts, install the package via NuGet:

Install-Package LiveCharts.WinForms
using LiveCharts;
using LiveCharts.WinForms;
using LiveCharts.Wpf;

public partial class MainForm : Form
public MainForm()
var cartesianChart = new CartesianChart
Location = new Point(10, 10),
Size = new Size(600, 400)
cartesianChart.Series = new SeriesCollection
new LineSeries
Title = "Series 1",
Values = new ChartValues<double> { 3, 5, 7, 4 }

Syncfusion WinForms UI Controls

Description: Syncfusion offers a comprehensive suite of over 100 WinForms UI controls, providing everything needed to create modern and feature-rich desktop applications.

Key Features:

  • Rich Set of Controls: Grids, charts, calendars, data visualization, and more.
  • Performance: Optimized for high performance with large datasets.
  • Customization: Extensive customization options and styling capabilities.
  • Support: Professional support and regular updates.

Usage Example: To use Syncfusion controls, install the package via NuGet:

Install-Package Syncfusion.Windows.Forms
using Syncfusion.Windows.Forms;
using Syncfusion.WinForms.Controls;

public partial class MainForm : SfForm
public MainForm()
var sfButton = new SfButton
Text = "Click Me",
Location = new Point(20, 20)


These packages provide various controls and features that can help you design modern and visually appealing WinForms applications. Each package has its own set of controls and capabilities, so you can choose the ones that best fit your needs.




UI/UX Design | WinForms | WPF | Resume Design | UI/UX Design