Should You Get Solar in Seattle?

Artisan Electric Inc
3 min readFeb 15, 2020


Solar Panel Work

Are you thinking of installing solar power in your Seattle home? If yes, then this blog post on solar power in Seattle will provide you with adequate information; enough to help you make an informed decision.

If you live in Seattle, chances are you’re worried that the cloudy nature of the weather might prevent you from enjoying the full benefits of installing solar power.

This is not surprising, considering that many people also think that Seattle’s overcast weather for the better part of the year, might not be good for solar.

In fact, with 226 days of heavy clouds every year, and the perpetually cool seasons –most Seattle homes don’t need air conditioning- it’s easy to see why some folks are hesitant about solar power in their Seattle homes.

But, this doesn’t mean that it’s not useful. In fact, if energy efficiency and lower energy costs is a priority for you, then you really should consider this option.

Does Solar Panel Work in Seattle?

Yes, it does. Most people think it won’t because of the weather. In fact, there have been arguments about this on many online forums, with many stating that solar power installation in Seattle might not be as energy-efficient as installing it in a city like Florida.

And this is understandable when you consider that states like Florida have a lot of sunshine. But, studies have shown that solar panels have increased energy efficiency in cooler states and cities, than in hot ones.

This is why Seattle is a great place to install solar power in homes. In fact, solar panels in the Puget Sound far outperform their contemporaries in the hotter parts of the country.

This is possible, thanks to longer summer days, and cooler weather. So, the panels don’t really get hot because the sunlight isn’t as hot. This is why solar panels in Seattle typically provide more power on an average sunny day than those in Arizona or Florida.

Also, this means that your panels will end up lasting a lot longer in the Pacific Northwest than it would in the south.

Factors influencing Solar Power Installation Costs

Let’s talk about solar costs as this is a particularly important aspect. The upfront costs of installing solar are quite significant. This is why the initial hesitation about installing them is understandable.

However, there are a few factors that will influence these costs. These include system costs, solar panel brand or manufacturer, and your energy demands.

There’s also the cost of the inverter, the solar installation company, the number of solar panels you want, as well as the relative ease or difficulty in installing this in your home.

This is why it’s best to have a solar installation company in Seattle come look at your home before talking about cost implications. These will determine how much you’ll eventually have to pay for the whole thing.

Benefits of Installing Solar Power in Your Seattle Home

Seattle is a participant in the federal solar investment tax credit program. This means that you’ll get tax credits from both the government when you file your taxes.

That, plus the added benefits of SCL paying you for supplying some energy to the grid (this happens when you’re generating more power than you need in your home), can increase the returns from your solar investment.

Also, this helps pay off the financing/loans faster and can result in you never paying a utility bill anymore.

Solar power tends to be cheaper in the long term –estimates put it at 8¢ cents/kWh instead of 19¢ cents/kWh without solar. To learn more about solar costs and perks, visit

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969 S Nebraska Street Suite A

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(206) 557–4215

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