Non-Fungible Tokens in the Gaming World

Artist NFT
5 min readSep 12, 2022


Imagine owning a card in one of the most popular trading card games in the world.

Now imagine having to trade it for another, which has no value or rarity at all because they are identical copies. This is not an issue with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in blockchain games. They represent one unique item from another and can be used across multiple platforms without losing any of their worth or value. The definition of NFTs varies depending on who you ask, but they typically refer to digital items that are traded like physical goods and also have some type of utility function within the game itself, such as providing access to certain features or abilities when applied to them. With this new technology comes new challenges though; there needs to be a way to prove that the item in question is truly unique, and easily verifiable.

What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are digital items that represent one unique item from another. These NFTs can be used across multiple platforms without losing any of their worth or value. From the definition, it is clear that NFTs are much more than just collectibles because they also have utility functions within games themselves. The tokens themselves are unique in that there is no need to replicate them to create another token with the same qualities because it already exists. For example, when talking about NFTs in blockchain games, you wouldn’t need to trade an “Savage Roar” card for a duplicate — instead, you could trade for any other card in the game because you own it!

The definition of what makes a token fungible or non-fungible is not set in stone. Participants are free to make their own decisions, but the consensus among video game developers is that an NFT represents one unique item from another. However, since items can be traded, there needs to be a way to prove that the item in question is truly unique and easily verifiable.

How do Non-Fungible Tokens Work?

When NFTs were first introduced into video games, it was unclear how they would integrate them because of their many uses. The solution to making sure each token was valuable and held its worth was for every item in the game to have an ID number attached to it when created — this way, if the item was traded it could be tracked and users would know that they were receiving a completely unique token rather than an identical clone. However, this method had its own problems: how do you prove that items aren’t being duplicated?

How do NFTs work in the gaming world?

Non-fungible tokens in the gaming world are causing a lot of buzz in the industry. Non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs, are making waves across the industry and helping to shape the future of gaming! They’re used in games that exist on blockchain technology which is garnering tons of attention in the industry. One company that has made huge strides with this type of token is Spells of Genesis, an online game that features lots of strategy involved. The game’s cards are represented by NFTs which make it possible for players to trade items without any loss in value or rarity because they are one-of-a-kind!

One of the biggest upsides of using NFTs in trading card games is that it makes them way more immersive. The reason behind this is because players are able to own one unique item from the game — unlike the traditional approach of owning many similar items like mass marketing trading cards can allow for. Usually, when players get their hands on these types of cards, they end up collecting hundreds of them or more instead; this ends up making any one single card not all that special anymore since you’ll most likely have several duplicates of it! However with NFTs, every item you get is guaranteed to be rare and valuable forever! This means that having one unique token is better than having dozens or even hundreds of duplicates. It also helps to make players feel like they actually own something special in the game since it exists outside of it, too.

One interesting thing about NFTs is that while several other industries are developing this concept for their own uses, the gaming world is still considered fairly young when it comes to implementing them. While non-fungible tokens have been around for years in things like real estate and music rights ownership, gamers are just now starting to see how incredibly useful they can be! One big reason why people don’t enjoy trading card games as much anymore is because you run into issues with duplicates — which kills any value or rarity an item may have had! But with the use of NFTs, cards are guaranteed to be one-of-a-kind.

Another way that NFTs are shaping the industry is by helping to make games more immersive for players! One of the biggest reasons why trading card games have become less popular over time is because there aren’t as many unique items to collect or trade anymore. Players end up getting dozens or even hundreds of duplicates which devalues their collection and makes cards feel much less special since they’re everywhere these days! However, with non-fungible tokens, every item you get is guaranteed to be rare and valuable — this means that having one unique token is better than having nearly any other type of item in a game! In addition to making things more interesting, it helps to make players feel like they actually own something special in the game since it exists outside of it as well.

Another big plus for those who are playing Spells of Genesis is that they can now trade their cards on a decentralized market! In the past, every card was created as one single item by default which meant you had to buy tons of duplicates or risk having something useless instead. However, with NFTs, players will be able to decide themselves what they want to do — whether it’s sell/trade a card that’s special to them or keep it and show off how awesome it is! Instead of being forced into buying multiple copies of a bunch of different items, gamers can now have complete control over their collection and have fun with whatever they’d like along the way.

I hope you’ll join me on my Discord server where we can chat about art, crypto, and everything in between. You can also find links to my OpenSea collections there. Thanks for reading!



Artist NFT

Hi, my name is Gregory and I am an artist who creates NFTs (CreaNion). I am using this Medium account to showcase my work and to bring people to my Discord.