3 Valentine’s Day Self-Love Tips

The Art of Sunday
3 min readFeb 13, 2018

I’m one of the folks for whom Valentine’s Day is not a big deal. I used to be one of “those people” that proclaimed it “Single’s Awareness Day” and made jokes about Venereal Disease — because what insecure kid who thinks they’re unworthy of love but knows they’re a little bit clever hasn’t made that joke?

Anywhom, as I grew up and learned what it meant to feel love, love loss, love rekindled, and many other lesser-acknowledged forms of love, I realized that I’d been lacking love for myself. I’ve been on a journey to change that for years now, but I never thought of Valentine’s Day to be that day that could be reinterpreted for the less cheesy, less commercial among us. Recommend this story to someone that needs ideas to jumpstart their self-love journey.

Make Yourself the Subject of Art

Nothing says you love you like a recreation of your form. Show yourself some love by paying homage to your reflection. Interpret your physical body in a way that flatters and pleases you.

Paint a self-portrait in another world or take a photo in something you think looks great but you wouldn’t wear in public. It can be something you show the world or leave on your desktop only to revisit every so often, but taking note of your body and recreating it artistically may be able to open up some interesting self-dialogue.

Take Yourself out on a Date

I know it sounds odd, but I actually love dating myself. Getting to know myself better over a few drinks and sushi or taking myself on a walk through the park is super delightful. Even Netflix and chill could be made special if you set up the atmosphere right. Why not even start out with a long bath — not a quick shower! — and a meal you made with love and special ingredients?

Love is more than just declaring it with words, it’s also action and time. When it’s two people, you’re spending time and doing stuff — So why not spend time doing stuff with yourself?

Make a Date with A Special Person or People in Your Life

Even if you’re out with others, you can still exercise self-love by making sure that your social needs are taken care of. Sure, the phrase “self-love” conjures up romantic notions of being happy in your own company, but we are social creatures, and you can also love yourself by strengthening bonds with others.

Plan a wonderful outing with friends who’ve all committed to positivity and the maintaining the beauty of the bond you all share. Or a wonderful in-ing! Why not do a potluck type thing or cook together with the group you love?

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Happy Sunday!

