Anchor Panda - Chinese Advanced Persistent Threat Group

2 min readSep 23, 2020


Type: Nation-State-Sponsored

Status: believed active

Active Since/Discovered: 2013

Last Report: Oct. 2013


  • civilian and military maritime operations in the green/brown water regions in the area of operations of the South Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy
  • Also targeted companies in the United States, Germany, Sweden, the UK, Australia, and other nations involved in maritime satellite systems, aerospace industries, and the defense sector

Target Sectors: maritime satellite systems, aerospace companies, and defense contractors


The ArtOfTheHak project is an academic portal for asymmetric warfare research. The goal is to educate readers on the strategies, tools, tactics, and procedures used by adversarial nation-states to disrupt and impact the West and American allies. A.O.T.H. founder James Scott has spent a career as a generalist researcher, writer, and government advisor within this unique and often-overlooked space. This website offers free downloads of censored material used in Mr. Scott’s government advisory.

“Few people take time to zero in on their purpose in life and why they are on this planet. I realized I was born to disrupt the system, and help change it for the better from within.” James Scott

Over the past 17 years, Mr. Scott has advised to the White House, United States Congress, NATO, intelligence community and more than 19 international governments, his portfolio of research has been heavily regarded as the most bleeding edge in this space. Website visitors can download reports and whitepapers for citation, collaboration, presentations, academic investigation, and more.

After writing more than 50 books within this unique domain, our founder’s conviction to make information available for free has expanded the options for those with an interest in the rare topics covered here. Over the years, Mr. Scott has turned down numerous publishers in order to maintain control over the distribution rights of his material. “Money shouldn’t be an inhibitor for access to meaningful information,” says Mr. Scott, “I never intended on trying to capitalize on my books, and always made them available to anyone who wanted them.”

For the first ten years of his career, James Scott was a ghostwriter/researcher for scientists, executives within the federal agency system, political figures, and national security experts. His unique blend of research, summarization, talking points, and briefing style quickly elevated his demand in the government advisory space.

This portal is free to use. All we ask is that you cite your research properly if you use our material. To receive a calendar of ArtOfTheHak’s lectures and briefing tours, inquire on the contact page. These events are free, and tour stops are in New York City, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Los Angeles, and other select cities.

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ArtOfTheHak (Art-Of-The-Hak) is a research portal that is hyper-focused on the study of cyber warfare and the digitization of information warfare.