A Guide to Securing a DevOps Engineer Job with Winning Interview Tips

Arton D.
3 min readJan 23, 2023


DevOps Interview

DevOps is a relatively new field that combines the roles of software developers and IT operations professionals. As a result, finding a job as a DevOps engineer can be challenging, as the field is still evolving and many companies are not yet familiar with the specific skills and qualifications required for this role.

One of the main difficulties in finding a job as a DevOps engineer is that the field is highly specialized and requires a unique set of skills. DevOps engineers need to be proficient in both software development and IT operations, which can be a tall order for many candidates. They also need to have experience working with automation tools, such as Ansible, Puppet, and Jenkins, as well as a solid understanding of cloud computing platforms, such as AWS and Azure.

Another challenge is that many companies are still not familiar with the DevOps approach and may not understand the value that a DevOps engineer can bring to their organization. As a result, they may not be actively looking to hire DevOps engineers or may not know where to find qualified candidates.

Additionally, competition for DevOps roles is fierce, as the field is growing quickly and there is high demand for skilled professionals. This can make it difficult for job seekers to stand out from the crowd and catch the attention of hiring managers.

In order to increase your chances of finding a job as a DevOps engineer, it’s important to have a strong resume that highlights your relevant experience and skills. It’s also a good idea to network with other professionals in the field and attend industry events to learn about new job openings and make connections with potential employers.

Finally, it’s important to keep learning and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. This will help you stay competitive and demonstrate to potential employers that you are committed to your career as a DevOps engineer.

While there are many factors that contribute to the outcome of a job interview, following these 10 tips for an interview for a DevOps Engineer Position can help increase your chances of landing the job as a DevOps Engineer.

1. Be familiar with the tools and technologies commonly used in DevOps, such as Git, Jenkins, Ansible, and Docker.

2. Be prepared to talk about your experience with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

3. Be able to explain how you handle scaling and monitoring of systems.

4. Be able to discuss a specific problem you have solved using DevOps practices and how you implemented the solution.

5. Be able to discuss your experience with cloud infrastructure such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.

6. Be prepared to discuss your experience with containerization and container orchestration using tools like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

7. Be able to explain your experience with security and compliance in a DevOps environment.

8. Be able to demonstrate your ability to work in a collaborative and cross-functional environment.

9. Be ready to explain how you stay current with the latest trends and developments in DevOps.

10. Be prepared to share examples of how you have automated repetitive tasks, and how you have improved the overall efficiency of a development or operations team.



Arton D.

Writing for fun! Tech, non-tech, funny, self improvement, devops, developing, coding etc...