Docker Commands You Never Heard Of!

4 min readMay 6, 2024

If you are in the software development industry, whether it is DevOps, System Administration, Programming, or any other job related to software development, you have probably heard about Docker. Lately, Docker is used for almost everything in software development.

Docker Commands
Useful Docker Commands

I know the title might throw you off a bit, but since I started using Docker, I have never used the command history. However, a few days ago, while I was looking to reduce the size of one of my Docker images, I saw a command called history and decided to give it a try, since I never used this command before.

The command was amazing as it showed me how the image was built and displayed every individual layer of the image and also their sizes. This made me think that I have been using Docker for so long and I never heard of this command before, so I searched for more commands that might be very useful but are not well known from people, so I came up with few, even though someone from you might know all of them.


The docker history command provides a timeline of an image, showing the commands that were used to create each layer. This information is important as makes us understand the size of each individual layers and can assist in identifying areas for potential optimizations in our Docker images.




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