How DNS Works

Arton D.
4 min readFeb 14, 2024

DNS, or Domain Name System, is the backbone of the Internet, but few know exactly how it works. Being a DevOps engineer, knowing how DNS works, is a must.

DNS is Internet’s directory (like a database). It translates human-readable domain names, such as to a machine-readable IP addresses.

Understanding DNS
Domain Name System

DNS in general, is a bit confusing and the reason for this is because there are different types of DNS servers in the DNS hierarchy, each serving a different purpose.

We will start with DNS 101, like What Does DNS Do?

Usually, when we type into the browser, we think it goes directly to the Medium Server and shows us the page where we read stories from our favorite writers!

But it is not that simple! There is much more happening between our browser and the Medium Server.

We will take a simple example. When we type into our browser, we are actually asking a DNS server, which is between us and the Medium Server, for the IP address of the Medium Server. Once we get the IP address, only then can we browse what the Medium Server has for us.

How DNS works
How DNS works



Arton D.

Writing for fun! Tech, non-tech, funny, self improvement, devops, developing, coding etc...