Is It Still Smart to Learn DevOps in 2024?

My take On DevOps Career in 2024!

Cloud Guide


I know that many of us have this question in mind and it is important for everyone in the tech industry, no matter if you are a beginner or an expert. We know that technology never stops changing, so it is important for us to identify the skills that are valuable now and will continue to be in the future. We cannot waste time on something that might be useless by the next year!

That’s why I am going to talk about DevOps, currently, an important part in technology (or Software Developing industry). I want to explore whether DevOps is still the skill worth investing in or not.

Is Learning DevOps Worth It in 2024? Navigating Your Tech Career
Is Learning DevOps Still Worth It?

The Growth of DevOps

I remember when I first started learning about DevOps, and the first thing I learned was that DevOps stands for “Development and Operations”. It was all about getting these two teams to work together, not leaving a gap between them.

It was fun, challenging, and opened up a career path full of opportunities. But over time, this simple, fun idea has grown into something much bigger. It is no longer just about teamwork or blending teams together. Now, it is about how we can make the software development process faster, more reliable, and more efficient. It is about cloud computing, automation, machine learning…



Cloud Guide

Writing for fun! Tech, non-tech, funny, self improvement, devops, developing, coding etc...