New to Commissioning Art? Here are some useful points to help you experience

Planinsek Art
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


If you have decided to commission an artist to paint an image for you, it is best to find out if they are used to painting commissions. Whatever you would like him or her to paint, nature, clouds, landscapes or anything else, it would be good if the artist has painted commissions before so they can fulfil your vision successfully.
If you do not have any information about art commissions, below are some ideas that will solve some of your queries like, how to start, what to do and how to select an artist.

1. Getting rid of the myths

Most of the people think that commissioning art is a complicated process. It is actually very simple and cost-effective. The key is having a detailed brief for the artist, so everyone is on the same page visually. One of the great benefits of commissioning artworks, is no one will have the same. As it has been painted to suit your space, your interior will look all the more dressed.

2. Narrow your search

There are several commercial art galleries in Melbourne where you can find out a wide variety of artists. Search the internet for your desired keywords such as portrait, fantasy, abstract art etc. If you know the kind of medium for your image, then find out the artist who is specialized in that medium like in oil, watercolour or digital painting. Shortlist the artists based on your preferences and the work they have done.

3. Research

Start researching the artists you have shortlisted, first check if they have a webpage or not, where you can check whether they do commission work or not. See their standard prices and make your decision. Artists can be costly or affordable depending on several reasons. Some artists are new and want to establish their portfolio, their prices are usually less. Some artists have been in the business for a long time and set a base rate to meet their ends. It’s important to research well before commissioning an artist.

4. Communicate

Once you have selected an artist then leave a comment on their social page, send an email or call them, if their number is available. It is important to know whether they are currently accepting commissions because even if some web pages say they are available, some of them are booked for several months or don’t have time to accept work. Tell them clearly what you actually want and inquire about their charges.

5. Make the brief carefully

A brief is important, so outline all important things on the brief, such as what style of painting you are basing it off. What colours you would like to have included, what size the canvas must be and so on. If the brief comes in the form of an invoice, try to make sure you can visit the painting before it is delivered. Commissioned art is similar to other service-based business, so treat the contract with the artist professionally.

6. Enjoy the process of commissioning

It will be exciting for you to see an artist turn your ideas into a tremendous piece of art. This will also help you make a personal bond with the artist.

To gather more information on abstract art Australia online, please visit on



Planinsek Art

Discover abstract and cloud inspired artworks by Melbourne commercial artist, Chloe Planinsek. Showcases an impressive range on her website