Introduction to the ArtPunks Restoration System!

4 min readJan 21, 2022


Hello art Fam! As you may already know we are working hard right now on staking system for ArtPunks (later also achievements) and $ARTE token creation and distribution! In this article, we would like to shortly focus on the ArtPunks Restoration System which will be available for ArtPunk holders shortly after our utility token release which is scheduled for 8th February!

Some of the $ARTE token utilities!

As mentioned above after our token release ArtPunks holders will be able to stake and “restore” their ArtPunks. “Restoration” is a gamified name for Artpunks upgrade. Upgraded ArtPunks will look the same as normal ones but will produce more $ARTE from staking. Each ArtPunk will start at level 0 and will produce 5 $ARTE per day. After upgrades, this number can increase to a maximum of 20 $ARTE per day. All tokens used for upgrades will be burned, reducing supply, and increasing $ARTE value. Below we present how much $ARTE ArtPunks will produce at each level:

  • Level 0: 5 $ARTE per day
  • Level 1: 10 $ARTE per day
  • Level 2: 20 $ARTE per day

As you can see, the amount of $ARTE produced depends only on the ArtPunk level, it is not influenced by rank or other ArtPunk attributes. We want to increase the value of less rare ArtPunks by this. However more rare ArtPunks enable holders to mint achievements that will also produce $ ARTE via staking. More rare ArtPunks will have also special boosts related to the next $ARTE utility — PaintingNFTs! More details soon :)

ArtPunk level will be stored in NFT metadata but will not affect ArtPunk rank.

ArtPunks staking webpage (release 02/08)

Restoration Process

ArtPunks Restoration will take place on our website, there you will see all your ArtPunks and you will be able to choose which one you want to upgrade. After selecting an ArtPunk, you will have to burn the appropriate amount of $ARTE tokens, depending on the type of restoration and the level to which you want to upgrade the ArtPunk. You will have two types of restoration to choose from: “Amateur Restoration” or “Advanced Restoration”. The first one will be cheaper, but will only have a 20% success rate, in case of failure, you will be able to try again, but you will lose used $ARTE. The second will be more expensive and will have an 80% success rate. It will be up to you whether you prefer to risk or not :)

ArtPunks will be locked during the upgrade time (for 1 or 2 days), during this time you will not be able to stake it or list it for sale. After the locked period, you will be able to claim your upgraded (or not) ArtPunk from our webpage. In case of failure, you will have to try again. Good luck!

Infographics about ArtPunks Restoration Process (on the left, level 0->1, on the right, level 1->2)

$ARTE utilities

Ok, so I will be able to spend airdropped/produced $ARTE to upgrade ArtPunks to produce more $ARTE, but what next?

$ARTE will have many utilities and in all of them, $ARTE will be burned. Soon after the $ARTE trading release, you will be able to use it to buy tickets in NFT and real art lotteries. In March we will release ArtPunkVerse Gallery which will be later integrated with the $ARTE token. However, the utility for which you should produce, buy and hold $ARTE the most is LandscapesNFT — interactive, gamified NFT, that will have a very low supply and will be available to mint only for $ARTE tokens. It will also give ArtPunks certain new utilities and will be combined with the ArtPunk burning mechanism — lowering ArtPunks supply and increasing its value. More info soon…

LandscapeNFT blurred preview 👀

Remember to keep your ArtPunks delisted to qualify to $ARTE airdrop, we are taking secret snapshots on random dates. The first snapshot was taken a few days ago, 3 snapshots left until 02/08/2022.

Coming soon:

  • $ARTE Lite paper
  • New road map
  • $ARTE website
  • $ARTE youtube promotion
  • Token Airdrop!
  • ArtPunks staking (02/08/2022)
  • Achievements staking

We will keep everyone of you updated and keep slowly dropping news about incoming new features and utilities! If you have any questions regarding our collections, token distribution, and utilities, feel free to ask on our discord server or create a ticket and we will get to you straight!

Kind regards Fam! We are here for the art!





ArtPunks is a collection of 10,000 NFTs created by neural networks (AI), through a combination of famous paintings with CryptoPunks.