Games and activities for the creative drama class

3 min readJun 19, 2022


Hi. Here are some plays and activities I wrote for class. If you like it, you can play them with your kids. Let me know if you have any comments.

Age group 10 to 13 years
Subject: Effective communication

Trust each other:
1- Children are divided into two groups: grandchildren and great-grandparents. The play’s story is about playful grandchildren who have decided to hide their grandmothers’ hearing aids. Every grandmother should close her eyes and walk to where the hearing aid is, guided by her granddaughter, and find it. The play is repeated as roles are changed.

Body warming:
2-Teacher asks children to listen to a soft song through a hypothetical headphone. They have to dance to this song. Gradually the rhythm of the music increases, and the children have to dance with more heat. With the guidance of the teacher, the rhythm of the music goes up and down.

3 — A child voluntarily creates an object with pantomime. Then, when he has made that object and everyone understands what it is, he throws that pretend thing at another child and tells the new person to create an object with pantomime. The play continues until all children make objects through pantomime.

4- A press conference is being held in the presence of a famous foreign person. A reporter is in charge of asking questions of the foreigner. The translator must translate the reporter’s questions for the foreigner and then translate them into the reporter’s language. After hearing the answer, the reporter asks the next questions, and the game continues in the same way.
5- In the next step, a deaf translator will be added to the cast. He should try to display the translator’s answers in body language and pantomime. The play continues as the roles change.

Advanced game:
6. Children should tell a story as a group. The participants each share a sentence of the story, and then a group story is created.
7- The teacher for the children gives an example of an imaginary city whose people cannot communicate with each other. The children each write a reason for this problem on paper. The teacher writes all of these problems on the board. By surveying children, one of these problems is selected as a stimulus for theatrical activity. Children should first suppose themselves in the role of the people of this city, considering this problem, and walk in the classroom. A while later, they are asked to stop the play and consult each other to solve the city’s problems. Then, when everyone has agreed on the solution, they should show this by acting or playing a sculpture. Children can come up with more and different answers, and all of them may be logical, so they can demonstrate more responses. The educator can talk to the children about their solutions at the end of the activity.

Auditory meditation:
8- The children close their eyes, start listening to the teacher, and begin a beautiful and unforgettable imaginary journey.

