How to Humanize AI Content (12 Easy Steps)

Never get caught by an AI detector again!

Artturi Jalli
14 min readJun 7, 2024

Let me show you how to humanize AI-written content—step by step.

This is the only 100% fool-proof strategy on the internet. I’ve used this to get millions of readers to my blogs after ChatGPT came around.

After reading this guide, you know how to write AI-assisted perfectly humanized, and reader-optimal content.

Let’s go!

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#1 Use Active Voice

A sentence in passive voice vs a sentence in active voice

Use active voice instead of the passive tone the AI generates.

For example:

  • Passive voice: “The cake was baked by Mary.”
  • Active voice: “Mary baked the cake.”

Active voice makes the writing clearer and easier to read. The sentences are straightforward and usually shorter.

Using passive voice is a common beginner mistake.

Even the AI tools often use passive voice (because they’ve seen a lot of passive voice in the training data.)

Passive voice text on editor

You can use a free tool like Hemingway’s App to spot passive voice in your writing.

Hemingway app fixing passive voice

Of course, you can also convert passive voice into active with ChatGPT.

ChatGPT AI turning passive voice to active

Just be careful when doing this because in my experience it sometimes misses the mark.

Also, the AI might not know who you refer to in your passive sentence.

AI comes up with who did what in an unclear passive sentence

#2 Be Short and Descriptive

Making a sentence 75% shorter with AI

When you write with AI, it tends to add jargon. Especially if you set a target word count.

Asking AI to write 1,000 words

In reality, your blog post should be just as long as it needs to be.

Don’t add anything extra into the mix. Everything should be short. Every word and sentence should solve a problem for your reader.

A blog post with little words and lots of images of a person throwing a disc

This is a common issue with AI writers.

They can write a 5,000-word post, for sure. But on closer inspection, it’s full of repetitive filler words and sentences that add absolutely no value.

Here’s a good example:

Stand out by providing short but informative content.

But don’t get me wrong here.

Writing short sentences doesn’t mean writing shorter posts.

A blog post with 10,000+ words
My longest posts are 10,000+ words — but none of it is jargon.

Make every post the most informative post on the internet—while being as concise as possible.

It’s all about providing value!

#3 Use Simple Language

Hard text vs short and easy

A successful blog post is accessible to all people.

But the problem with AI-written content is that it’s usually too complicated.

AI wrote a hard-to-understand definition of what is a dog

Avoid this at all costs.

It gives the impression that you’re trying to outsmart your audience or add words to make your post longer.

Remember, the easier the post is:

  • The more your readers will enjoy it.
  • The bigger the potential audience.
A small group of people inside a larger group

Write content that even an eighth-grader can understand. It’s a universally understood language level that works in every niche.

#4 Don’t Be Generic

One of the biggest no-nos in blogging is generic content.

It’s the content that says a lot while saying nothing at all.

The internet is full of blogs that just steal content in their own words.

Thanks to AI, it’s getting even worse.

I’d partially understand this strategy only if it worked.

Google search results

Luckily, this strategy hasn’t worked for years.

By the way, this has nothing to do with AI. Freelancers have used this strategy for ages ago.

Freelancer summarizing search results for a living

Their boss tells them to write a post about something they’ve never heard of. 3 hours later, they have a post that says everything that the top 10 results on Google say but in different words.

Clever? Nope.

Does it work? Nope.

A blog post like this doesn’t add anything to the internet.

That’s why it will never rank or give any good long-term results. No search engine or platform wants to include a post that says something that’s already been said.

Sadly, this is exactly what AI does—whether you like it or not.

To fix this problem, only write posts that add to the internet.

  • If it’s a how-to guide, show yourself doing whatever you’re trying to teach.
  • If you write a product review, showcase yourself using the product.
A blog post of a person holding a headset

Don’t write posts like this:

In the ever-evolving landscape of auditory excellence, the Bose NC 700 HP emerges as a beacon of technological advancement, seamlessly blending state-of-the-art innovation with unparalleled acoustic fidelity. This groundbreaking piece of audio equipment encapsulates a plethora of advanced features and cutting-edge functionalities designed to elevate the auditory experience to unprecedented heights. Whether you’re a discerning audiophile or a casual listener, the Bose NC 700 HP promises a symphony of clarity, precision, and immersive soundscapes, setting a new benchmark in the realm of noise-canceling headphones. Join us as we delve into an in-depth review of this remarkable device, dissecting its myriad attributes, and exploring how it stands out in a market teeming with premium audio solutions.

Instead, do this:

I’ve used my Bose NC 700 headset for 2 years now so I decided to write a review of it. I’ll show you the main use cases, pros, cons, and more. Hope you like it!

#5 Demonstrate Experience

One of the tell-tale signs of an AI-written post is the lack of experience.

If it’s a product review with no images of the author using the product, that’s a red flag.

A generic blog post with a generic image

If it’s a how-to guide without visuals, that spells disaster for the success of the post.

A blog post showing with screenshots how to create images

The problem is that anyone can write a blog post at no cost. These days you can even automate it to AI. And even before AI, you could hire someone to do it for $20.

To make a difference, show experience and expertise in your blog posts.

If there was only one thing you could take away from this post, take this one.

A man telling to show experience in a blog post

I’ve seen no success with blog posts where I don’t share my experiences or expertise.

A blog with 0 visitors
AI-written generic blog performance after 3 months.

These days, there’s no way to stand out with “just another post.”

It needs to be the best post about your topic. The best post on the entire internet.

The easiest way to do this is by showing experiences and expertise.

  • Tell personal stories or anecdotes related to your topic.
  • Use images of yourself demonstrating what you’re sharing.
Adding images to a blog post to demonstrate use of a product

Don’t even try to use AI to cheat with this.

Yes, you can generate unique images with AI and make it speak in a way that sounds like experience.

AI-generated generic images that help nobody

But that will never work in the field because people sense it from miles away. Those images, while looking cool, are unhelpful and useless.

If there’s nothing new you can pour to the internet with your post, don’t write it.

#6 Be Yourself

These days every blog post looks the same—a generic and repetitive wall of text.

Joking in a blog post unlike nobody else ever on the internet before

A typical blog is unwelcoming, unhelpful, unrelatable, unreliable, and un-whatever.

One of the best ways to add color to this gray wall of text is by being yourself.

Write sections where you share unique takes.

A honest review

Use images of yourself.

Touching a headset

Embed videos of yourself (or someone else.)

A video in a blog post

If you only use AI to write, it’s no longer you (the most valuable asset in content.)

No prompt or tool can save you from this.

AI tells me it cannot think or read thoughts—a no-brainer

Keep in mind that today’s AI lacks all the most important aspects of a successful blog post.

AI doesn’t:

  • Experiment.
  • Think.
  • Know.
  • Take images.
  • Shoot videos.
  • Know your opinions.
  • Read your thoughts.
  • Know your sense of humor.

And the list goes on.

These are all things that only you can do. So just do it! That will give you the best results in the long run.

#7 Don’t Use AI Images

These days you can use AI to create images for your blog posts.

An AI-generated image of a cat

But those images don’t add any value.

An AI-generated image of WIFI settings on iPhone
Haha, not even close.

Don’t use AI-generated images or stock footage unless you have to. When I write blogs, 98–99% of the images I use are taken by me.

The only images you should include are the ones that support the content.

If it’s just a generic stock image or an AI image, leave it out.

Tip: Use AI images or stock images if you absolutely have to. It’s better to have some images than none. Just remember that those won’t get you far!

#8 Create Illustrations

Asking AI to illustrate

One of the biggest problems with AI-generated blogs is the lack of illustrations.

However, the AI won’t help you here one bit—at least not today’s AI.

Yes, you could create illustrations with AI.

Math visualization with AI

But with today’s tech, those are off by a mile.

For example, look at this visualization I wanted to create about the Pythagorean theorem:

An AI image of pythagorean theorem

It’s the same issue as with those AI-generated images and stock footage.

This visual looks cool but helps absolutely nobody.

Even something like this would be much more helpful:

A hand-written visualization

So once again, only use visuals that add value. Don’t try to take shortcuts with AI.

Your readers will sense it from miles away.

Once again, if your content is just like the others, it will never get any reads.

#9 Add Image Alt Texts

If you use AI to generate images, there’s a chance those images lack alt texts.

This is the short text that describes what’s happening in the image.

An example of an image with an alt text of a cat wearing glasses

By the way, it’s not the same thing as captions. The captions will provide extra context to your images.

The alt text is a technical setting you need to set outside the main editor of your post.

You can actually ask ChatGPT to write them.

Asking AI to write an alt text for my image

Then, depending on the platform you use, you can specify your alt texts from your blog post’s advanced settings.

For example, on WordPress, you can do it from the Block settings of an image:

Setting an alt text in WordPress editor

The alt text is crucial because it describes what’s happening in the image for someone who can’t see it.

This could be someone:

  • With visual imparities
  • Listening to your content while walking or driving.

Anyways, a good blog post is accessible to everyone. That’s why you shouldn’t forget the alt texts!

#10 Avoid Most Topics

I have been a blogger for almost 4 years now. You might imagine that I can make any topic work and write a super successful post about it, right?

Blog post topic ideas

But that’s not true.

In fact, 99% of the topics out there are something I would never write about.

Blog topics that are bad

Not only because it would be unethical but also because it simply wouldn’t work.

Yes, AI can write about anything—as long as it has enough coverage on the internet.

AI writing about coughing for a long tikme

But the problem is once again that if your post adds nothing new to the internet, it won’t do well.

So using AI to target harder topics you’re not familiar with is out of the question. Not only does it fail miserably, but it’s also unethical and risky.

That means you need to be the captain of the ship.

But if you don’t have experience or expertise either, then that’s not any more useful than AI alone.

That’s why it’s just wise to not write about most of the topics.

For example, I would never write blog posts about:

  • Investing. I have invested only twice in my life and I don’t have an education in finance.
  • Crypto. I have no experience with cryptocurrencies.
  • Health. I’m not a licensed doctor or health professional.
  • Fitness. Although I’ve trained for 8+ years, I lack the proper education and results I could share.

Not all blog post topic ideas or niches are worth considering. Most of them aren’t!

Here’s a good rule of thumb: If you can’t write a post that’s 10 times better than what exists, it’s probably not a good idea to write about it.

#11 Use Your Name and Face

When it comes to writing humane blog posts, polish the platform you work on.

Whether it’s a WordPress blog, Medium blog, Quora page, or whatever, you use your name and image.

This ticks one of those “being relatable” boxes.

An about page with an image of myself

Of course, you could create a fake personality and name.

Fake profile

But why would you do that?

Why would you put in the work and attribute it to someone else who doesn’t even exist?

Also, to do collaborations and get paid, you need to use your real name.

An affiliate dashboard with $500 earnings

But here’s the catch.

You don’t need to take a studio-quality image (or fake one with AI.)

Instead, just take a selfie wherever you’re right now and use that.

Here’s one I use a lot:

A selfie of myself

In fact, those basic selfies are very relatable and authentic. One can argue it’s better to use relatable and “normal” images rather than expensive studio-quality stuff.

#12 Respond to Comments

If you have comments enabled, respond to every single one of those.

By responding, you show you care.

  • You show that you’re just a person like the commentators.
  • You’re not a higher authority that speaks from up there.

I do that on Medium and YouTube all the time. (However, I must admit that I don’t have comments on my WordPress blogs because of spam.)

If you accept comments, spend that extra 15 seconds to show appreciation to people who respond. This way you can form a deeper connection with your audience.

#13 Watch This Epic Masterclass

One of my top recommendations for becoming a successful blogger is to take this free blogging course.

It’s a training video that teaches the latest blogging strategies in the field. You will learn about blogging, blog monetization, SEO, and more.

It’s worth every second of your time.

#14 Ask AI to Humanize

You can ask AI to humanize your content.

This is actually one of the most practical use cases for AI as a blogger—especially if you’re a beginner.

Asking AI to humanize AI content on ChatGPT

You can tell AI to analyze your post and make it give crucial suggestions and fixes.

To do this, send your blog post to a tool like ChatGPT and tell it something like this:

I want to write the best post about [your topic here] in the world. I want to make sure it’s reader-friendly and “human-optimized” to its fullest. I don’t want the post to be “just another post” about the topic. Instead, it needs to be the absolute best post about the topic by a mile. But don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to add any jargon or useless sections to the post either. Everything needs to be short, concise, and compact, yet super helpful and full of information and such. Can you help me with this? Give me actionable and realistic tips to take this post to a completely different level. Analyze my competing blog posts and make sure that mine ends up being better than those. Pay attention to things my competitors have done right and what they’re missing with. Base your feedback on those too. One more thing: Don’t focus on SEO—that’s outdated. Focus only on things that make the blog post valuable, helpful, useful, and easy to read. Read the initial version of the post here [your post link or post contents here].

With a prompt like this, you should get a whole bunch of crucial fixes to make.

Implement all of those and you’ll shine!

3% human to 100% human

Tip: Don’t go to the moon and back to write a single post. If the AI suggests you do something that takes a month, it might not be a good topic to write about. Try to get your posts live in less than 10 hours.

15 Only use a select few AI tools

Watch my video about the best AI writing tools for blogging.

I recommend only using products from this list (or similar to the ones mentioned.)

At the moment, I only use Grammarly as my AI writer.

I don’t do ChatGPT or any other tools anymore as they just slowed me down and caused problems.

Thanks for reading!

See Also



Artturi Jalli

Check @jalliartturi on YouTube to become a successful blogger. (For collabs, reach me out at: